nondeductive是什么意思 nondeductive的中文翻译、读音、例句

nondeductive是什么意思 nondeductive的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Limpidus non carborundum est. (祸事来了 Limpidus non carborundum est.)


nondeductive一般作为名词使用,如在nondeductive medical expenses(不能扣除的医疗费)等常见短语中出现较多。

nondeductive medical expenses不能扣除的医疗费


1. No more than in the past ten years, no. (翻译:Hein? Non, enfin, pas plus que depuis 10 ans. Donc...)

2. Oggi e molto umido, non e vero? (翻译:Oggi e molto umido, non e vero?)

3. Vegetarian, non-vegetarian... journey, um, yeah, uh... journey on which we send them with all our love and, and, and tremendous you know not obviously... (翻译:素食的 非素食的... vegetarian, non -vegetarian...)

4. He doesn't even have a rocket. (翻译:也没火箭 ...Non ha almeno razzo.)

5. At least he was with you thickest friends, right? (翻译:你们俩很情投意合吧 Vous avez des affinités, non?)

6. were not able to measure indirectly, or adequately use deductive reasoning in mathematical proofs. (翻译:不会间接测量,不能运用逻辑推理于数学证明。)

7. It worked, didn't it? I did it! (翻译:起作用了 不是吗 Ça a marché, non?)

8. - No, Babou, this is important. (翻译:不 巴布 这很重要 Non, Babou.)

9. He has no wings or missiles. (翻译:他没有翅膀,没有导弹 ...non ha le ali, non ha missili...)

10. ♪ Wit the non-stop, pop, pop and stainless steel ♪ (翻译:♪ Wit the non -stop, pop, pop and stainless steel ♪)

11. Egemus iaculatore, non iacchi latore! (翻译:Egemus iaculatore, non iacchi latore!)

12. - Well, then, there you go. (翻译:-你看吧 - Non, non, non.)

13. The satellite dish and Wi-Fi were on the blink. (翻译:...non funzionavano parabola e WI -Fl...)

14. To test whether children are capable of deductive reasoning. (翻译:测试孩子是否有演绎推理的能力。)

15. These measures cannot be taken with non people. (翻译:这些措施得有人手才行 These measures cannot be taken with non people.)

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