nondeterminisitc turing machine是什么意思 nondeterminisitc turing mac

nondeterminisitc turing machine是什么意思 nondeterminisitc turing mac

nondeterminisitc turing machine的意思是"不确定的图灵机",其次还有"不确定的图灵机"的意思,在线发音:[nondeterminisitcturingmachine],nondeterminisitc turing machine常被用作名词,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到99个与nondeterminisitc turing machine相关的例句。

Nondeterminisitc Turing machine的翻译


例句:Right between the sound machine (Right between the sound machine)


nondeterminisitc turing machine一般作为名词使用,如在nondeterminisitc Turing machine(不确定的图灵机)、Turing machine([计] 图灵机)、Turing([计] 图灵机)等常见短语中出现较多。

nondeterminisitc Turing machine不确定的图灵机
Turing machine[计] 图灵机
Turing[计] 图灵机
encoded Turing machine[计] 编码图灵机
multihead Turing machine[电] 多读写头杜林机器
multitape Turing machine多带图灵机
nondeterministic Turing machine非确定性图灵机
oracle turing machine启示杜林机
probabilistic turing machine可能杜林机
quintuple Turing machine[计] 五元组图灵机


1. Someone with tremendous means wants Caroline Turing gone. (翻译:有人千方百计想杀Caroline Turing灭口)

2. Turing wanted to know if a machine could think for itself and trick someone into believing they were having a conversation with another person. (翻译:图灵想知道一台机器是否能自己思考,并欺骗别人,让他们相信自己正在与另一个人交谈。)

3. [Turing] The problem began, of course, with the carrots. (翻译:[图灵]这个问题开始,当然, 与胡萝卜。)

4. This is not in spite of, but partially based on the famous results of Godel and Turing. (翻译:这不是不顾,但部分的基础上著名的结果哥德尔和图灵。)

5. So we had to fix this car? (翻译:MACHINE GUN JOE: So we had to fix this car?)

6. I know what the Turing Test is. (翻译:我知道什么是图灵测试 I know what the Turing Test is.)

7. But I got some weird machine. (翻译:But I got some weird machine.)

8. - [Turing] M___ [birds chirping] (翻译:- [琼] M ... - [图灵] M___ [鸟儿的鸣叫])

9. Three-time winner Machine Gun Joe. (翻译:Three -time winner Machine Gun Joe.)

10. It seems some of Ms. Turing's patients are a little... Clingy. (翻译:这听起来Turing小姐的病人都有点缠人)

11. - The old bureaucratic machine. (翻译:The old bureaucratic machine.)

12. Sir, the machine is alive! (翻译:长官 这机器是活的! Sir, the machine is alive!)

13. So what I need to say is that no Turing machine, no computer can predict what a brain net will do. (翻译:我需要说的是这里没有图灵机 没有计算机可以预言大脑能做什么 )

14. Yeah, the answer machine was over there. (翻译:答录机就在那儿 Yeah, the answer machine was over there.)

15. It's really too hard, Mahjong machine is easier (翻译:Mahjong machine is easier)

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