例句:Then I'd get the box back, and give her a dare. (很简单 Fastoche! 也挺好玩 对吧 Et super rigolo, non?)
例句:No more than in the past ten years, no. (Hein? Non, enfin, pas plus que depuis 10 ans. Donc...)
例句:- No, ham and mushrooms. And that costs 14.50? (不是 火腿和蘑菇 Non, jambon et champignons.)
1. - No, ham and mushrooms. And that costs 14.50? (翻译:不是 火腿和蘑菇 Non, jambon et champignons.)
2. At least he was with you thickest friends, right? (翻译:你们俩很情投意合吧 Vous avez des affinités, non?)
3. It belongs to a defunct non-profit (翻译:It belongs to a defunct non -profit)
4. No, Anna, he do not like it. (翻译:安娜 他们不喜欢 Non, Anna, ça leur a pas plu.)
5. Unfortunately, what is farmed ends up as what we eat. (翻译:不幸的是,田里种了什么决定了我们吃什么。)
6. The day will come where people will realize -- no, demand -- farmed fish on their plate that's farmed well and that's farmed healthy -- and refuse anything less. (翻译:那一天终将来临, 人们会意识到,不,是要求, 在他们的地球上养殖鱼类 健康优秀地养殖, 并拒绝任何不健康的东西。)
7. Got an agitated non-compliant patient. (翻译:Got an agitated non -compliant patient.)
8. Altemose's family has farmed in the Pocono area for generations. (翻译:阿尔特莫斯一家世世代代在波科诺地区务农。)
9. Vegetarian, non-vegetarian... journey, um, yeah, uh... journey on which we send them with all our love and, and, and tremendous you know not obviously... (翻译:素食的 非素食的... vegetarian, non -vegetarian...)
10. Unfortunately, what is farmed ends up as what we eat. (翻译:不幸的是,田里种了什么决定了我们吃什么。)
11. It worked, didn't it? I did it! (翻译:起作用了 不是吗 Ça a marché, non?)
12. Get a non-profit to sponsor a vacation. (翻译:找个非营利组织赞助这次旅行 Get a non -profit to sponsor a vacation.)
13. This little redheaded, non-fangy little guy? (翻译:Oh. This little redheaded, non -fangy little guy?)
14. You know, your self-preservation instinct seems non-existent. (翻译:your self -preservation instinct seems non -existent.)
15. The family has farmed in Kent for over two hundred years. (翻译:这个家族在肯特务农两百多年了。)