martyrly是什么意思 martyrly的中文翻译、读音、例句

martyrly是什么意思 martyrly的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Loses all ly and win is all fortuity that the life experience with inevitable. (所有的输和赢都是人生经历的偶然和必然。)


1. End up in a high-profile lawsuit with Lowell, the First Amendment martyr? (翻译:跟罗威这位第一修正案的烈士 来场轰轰烈烈的官司)

2. I don't want him made a martyr. (翻译:来来请你面对现实 不能让他成为纳粹的殉道者)

3. What a martyr craves more than anything is a sword to fall on. (翻译:殉道者最渴望的 就是一把能穿过他们的利剑)

4. I'm going to see Europe again... for the first time in 13 years. (翻译:过了xx年 《犯罪份子》 LY影业650 我将再一次见到欧洲 《犯罪份子》 LY影业650)

5. This is Tam Ly our resident Tsunami expert. Sent by the Gods. (翻译:她叫李态美,是上天派来的 她是我校的常驻海啸专家)

6. I know you're a martyr to gout. (翻译:我知道你患有痛风在身 I know you are on hard to gout)

7. LY: It would be irresponsible for me to give you any number. (翻译:杨璐涵:我觉得现在就给出一个 数字是很不负责任的。)

8. So if you want to martyr yourself, go ahead and press for an enquiry. (翻译:你想壮烈牺牲的话 去展开调查好了 So if you want to martyr yourself, go for an enquiry.)

9. When are you going to quit acting like a martyr? (翻译:什么时候你不再装得像个受苦受难的人呢? )

10. In the new mille ium, big girls only need a ly. (翻译:在新千年中,只有身强体壮的女孩儿才可去试一试。)

11. If you're going to martyr yourself, Abbe, do it for God, not a chambermaid. (翻译:如果您想做殉道者的话,神父 为上帝去做,别为一个女仆)

12. LY: But we are working day and night trying to make this happen for the patients. (翻译:杨璐涵:但是我们已经夜以继日的 在为等待器官移植的病人 实现这个目标了。)

13. Miss Ly, is there masculine principle in women? (翻译:李总 女性身上就没有男性的因素吗? 有啊)

14. Few people knew and trυly understood Jack as well as this man. (翻译:很少有人像下面这位先生一样认识和真正理解杰克)

15. I'd be the human rights martyr during the Corruption Investigation... (翻译:在CPI听证调查中 我成了一个捍卫人权的烈士)

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