?o?是什么意思 ?o?的中文翻译、读音、例句

?o?是什么意思 ?o?的中文翻译、读音、例句





相关短语:'o'可以与其他单词或短语组合使用,如“O my God”(我的上帝)是一种惊奇或惊讶的表达方式,“O for a thousand tongues to sing”(愿我有一千张舌头来歌唱)是一首基督教赞美诗的名字。




1. Ka taea e koe te haere ki te kura i tēnei rā? - 'O', ka haere au. (你今天能去上学吗?- 是的,我会去。)

2. He aha te mahi hei te rā nei? - 'O', ka mahi au ki te whare. (今天打算做什么?- 好的,我会在家里工作。)

3. Ka whaiwhai kai tātou i tēnei pō? - 'O', ka whai mātou i te paraoa. (今晚我们打算吃什么?- 好的,我们会吃面包。)

4. Ka noho koe i konei mō te mutunga wiki? - 'O', ka noho au. (你会在这里待到周末吗?- 是的,我会待下去。)

5. He aha tā koutou whānau mahi i tēnei wā? - 'O', kei te mahi mātou i te whenua. (你们家现在在干什么?- 好的,我们正在农田里工作。)

6. Ka timata koe ki te mahi i tēnei ata? - 'O', ka timata au i te whakapai i taku whare. (你今早会开始工作吗?- 是的,我会开始清理我的房子。)

7. E kī ana koe he aha? - 'O', kei te kī au he whakapapa. (你在说什么?- 我在说家谱。)

8. Ka hoki koe ki tō kāinga i tēnei wiki? - 'O', ka hoki au. (你会在这周回家吗?- 是的,我会回去。)

9. He aha tā koutou hiahia mō te kai? - 'O', kei te hiahia mātou i te kai koura. (你们想吃什么?- 好的,我们想吃龙虾。)




1. The word "octopus" starts with the letter O.


2. I always get confused between the letters O and Q.


3. The telephone number ends with the digit zero.





例句:## Hand a double-O-P, come on, come on ## ([H and a double -o -p, come on, come on])


例句:¶ shies from the so-o-o-rrow (# shies from the so -o -o)


例句:- O.J. Simpson is in the car. (-O·J·辛普森就在车里 -杰森 - O.)


例句:They ain't got no other footage of me? (翻译:O·J·辛普森带上手铐 O. J. Simpson in cuffs...)


o一般作为名词、感叹词使用,如在o'o([网络] 糯;喔喔;不好)、O/O([=on account of]因为,由于,基于)、O.O.O.([网络] 好帅;公鸡;圈圈圈)等常见短语中出现较多。

o'o[网络] 糯;喔喔;不好
O/O[=on account of]因为,由于,基于
O.O.O.[网络] 好帅;公鸡;圈圈圈
o/o or o/d甲板上或舱面;见票即付
O forO for\n唉,有…该多好呀!
O OR或”门
o'prep. “of”的缩写(如o'clock等), “on” 的缩写
o/aabbr. 记帐(on account)
O.O.na. 〈美〉重做\n[网络] 滒词夲
ts'o o挫喔


1. - O.J. Simpson is in the car. (翻译:-O·J·辛普森就在车里 -杰森 - O.)

2. They ain't got no other footage of me? (翻译:O·J·辛普森带上手铐 O. J. Simpson in cuffs...)

3. Um, at 10:40, I buzzed the gate, but he didn't answer, and I got scared, because I didn't want him to miss his flight, so I called my boss, um, my mom... (翻译:司机就是O·J·辛普森 The driver was o. J. Simpson.)

4. This letter was written by O.J. today. (翻译:这封信是O·J今天写下的 This letter was written by O. J. Today.)

5. ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, boom, boom, boom ♪ (翻译:# O哦, o哦, o哦, boom, boom, boom #)

6. We are, of course, mindful of the O.J. Simpson situation, and we will apprise you of any new developments. (翻译:当然 我们不会忘了O·J·辛普森事件 We are, of course, mindful of the O. J. Simpson situation,)

7. Hey, this is A.C. I have O.J. in the car. (翻译:嗨 我是A·C O·J在我车里 Hey, this is A. C. I have O.)

8. ♪ I'M ALREADY DONE ♪ TAKE AWAY ALL THE PAIN ♪ I'M ALREADY GO-O-O-O-O-NE (翻译:我已经做 带走所有的痛 我已经去 -O -O)

9. Would Dr. Ralph O. Khan, please report to surgery. (翻译:请Ralph O. Khan医生到外科报到 Ralph O.)

10. O.J., wherever you are, for the sake of your children, for the sake of your family, please surrender immediately to any law enforcement official. (翻译:O·J 不管你在哪 O. J. , wherever you are,)

11. If O.J. attempted to take his own life, to be able to get in there quickly enough... (翻译:如果O·J想要赌上自己的命 If O. J. Attempted to take his own life,)

12. and that cannot be done with all the complaints and interruptions... a o o o a o o vo o (翻译:有抱怨和打扰我还怎么做! 我警告你不要提高嗓门!)

13. O.J. is swallowing up everything. (翻译:O·J的案子占据了所有事情 O. J. Is swallowing up everything.)

14. The interesting thing about Paula is she had broken up with O.J. the day of the murders. (翻译:宝拉在案发那天 is she had broken up with O. J. 与O.)

15. I'm his friend, Robert Kardashian. (翻译:不行 先生 No, sir. O·J在等我呢 o.)



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