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编者按语用英语怎么说 编者按语英语翻译

编者按语用英语说"  Editorial Note",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到25个与编者按语相关的译文和例句。


1.   Editorial Note

编者按语翻译为   Editorial Note。

Editor commentary: the different picture, the author presents for us same childhood pleasure, and these carefree childhood time!



1. editorializer(社论[编者按语]撰写者)

2. editor's note(编者按)

3. editorial note(编者按)

4. leaderette(n. 简短社论, 编者按)

5. leaderettes(n. (报纸等的)短评;(新闻纪事等前的)编者按语\n 简短社论;旁白)


1. subtitles by DexThor written for docs4you

译文:在你手上的,是一个至大的秘密... 编者 朗达・拜恩。

2. When this picture appeared, that well-known scientific journal, The New York Times, wrote in its editorial, "Mars is uninteresting.

译文:当这幅照片公开时, 著名的科学杂志, 《纽约时代》,在编者栏中写道: “火星毫无吸引力。

3. And we've had chroniclers of this before -- Studs Terkel, the oral history of the working experience in the United States.

译文:而我们曾经有过 这样的年代史编者—— Studs Terkel, 美国工作经历的口述史。

4. And we know who was there. At the end of the Permian, at many of these mass extinction boundaries, this is what we find: isorenieratene. it's very specific.

译文:这个我们知道。二叠纪末期时, 在很多物种灭绝的边界上, 我们发现了这个: isorenieratene(编者注:一种类胡罗卜素化合物,只有在生活在缺氧水化变层附近的绿色硫细菌身上才能找到)。这很具体了。

5. i love your 'Editor's notes to the readers' you always run on the first page of the magazine

译文:我很喜欢杂志第一页上 你们写给读者的"编者的话"。

6. We make suggestions to the author through the editor to improve the emphasis of a sentence or point out unintentional repetitions and supply compelling alternatives.

译文:我们通过编者来对作者提出建议 以便能够加强句子语气 或者指出无意识的重复 也会提出更有力的替代选项。

7. When this picture appeared, that well-known scientific journal, The New York Times, wrote in its editorial, "Mars is uninteresting.

译文:当这幅照片公开时, 著名的科学杂志, 《纽约时代》,在编者栏中写道: “火星毫无吸引力。

8. For months, we were planning on announcing that we were going to expand by language: Five languages in the next five years, covering 32 percent of the globe.

译文:几个月来,我们一直在计划宣布 我们将按语言进行扩展: 在未来xx年内,我们将扩展五种语言, 覆盖全球 32% 的人口。

9. And we know who was there. At the end of the Permian, at many of these mass extinction boundaries, this is what we find: isorenieratene. it's very specific.

译文:这个我们知道。二叠纪末期时, 在很多物种灭绝的边界上, 我们发现了这个: isorenieratene(编者注:一种类胡罗卜素化合物,只有在生活在缺氧水化变层附近的绿色硫细菌身上才能找到)。这很具体了。

10. Wearguedthatthiswas really important, that our sources were telling us it was illegal or unconstitutional, that there was clearly people in the government who disagreed with what the government, what the officials were saying to the editors.

译文:情报来源告诉我们,我们被告知,该计划是非法的 和解释,特别是对谁是法律在你的国家 编者认为,相反的是官员说的都是。

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