正电子用英语怎么说 正电子的英语翻译

正电子用英语怎么说 正电子的英语翻译

正电子的英语是"positron -",还经常被译作  [物] positron,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到40个与正电子相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. positron -

正电子翻译为 positron -。

It was a very difficult first step to accept the positron.


2.   [物] positron

正电子翻译为   [物] positron。

The result is that the electron shadow and the positron shadow are separated.


3. positron -

正电子翻译为 positron -。

The new collider has to provide exact measurements of electron-positron annihilation.


4. positron -

正电子翻译为 positron -。

示例:Proceeding with final calibration of positron acceleration chamber.
阳电子加速管 最终修正



1. positron(正电子 )

2. positronic(正电子的 )

3. high energy positron(高能正电子)

4. positive electron([计] 正电子)

5. positron channeling(正电子沟道)


positron radiation PET-CT positron emission tomography-computed tomography ( 正电子发射 )

PET positron emission tomography positron emission computed tomography positive electron tomography( 正电子发射断层扫描 )

positron decay positron disintegration decay ( 正电子衰变 )

positronium otho-positron O-PS ( 正电子素 核 )

positron emission tomography positron emission computed tomography position emission computerized t( 正电子发射断层显像 )

positron emission tomography positron emission computerized topography ( 正电子发射断层成像 )

positron emission tomography ( 正电子成象术 )


1. ♪ Don't come around here no more ♪


2. - What? - it's electronic.

译文:- 这是电子的。

3. Positive, negative - i never know which is which.

译文:正电,负电, 我永远搞不懂是那一边。

4. Now the doctors can see their target using a PET, or positron emission tomography, scanner.

译文:现在医生可以通过 PET 扫描仪观察靶点, PET 全称为正电子发射断层扫描仪。

5. Cyberchrist. Please listen to me, Jobe.


6. And we feed those positively charged spheres negatively charged electrons by adding formaldehyde to the mix.

译文:同时我们通过往混合液里加入甲醛 给带正电的球体里 提供带负电的电子。

7. These minor changes in blockages caused a 300 percent improvement in blood flow, and using cardiac positron emission tomography, or "PET," scans, blue and black is no blood flow, orange and white is maximal.

译文:这些血管阻塞上的微小改变, 使血流有了百分之三百的改善, 使用心脏正电子放射层扫描术,即PET扫描, 蓝色和黑色显示无血流,橘黄和白色显示最大血流。

8. That’s where a cloud of electrons shifts to one side of a molecule, creating a negative charge on one end, and a positive charge on the other.

译文:那里电子云团会转移到分子的一侧, 使得分子的一端产生正电荷, 一端产生负电荷。

9. Electrons go around one way, positrons go around the other.

译文:电子和正电子 的旋转方向相反。

10. it's antiparticle, the positron, has exactly the same mass, but a positive electric charge.

译文:它的反粒子,正电子, 与它质量完全相等, 但是带正电荷。

11. The isotopes used in PET decay by positron emission.

译文:PET 中的放射性同位素 通过释放正电子衰变。

12. it's just an electronic transaction.


13. But it's all computer generated - electronic codes, electronic ciphering methods.

译文:都是电脑生成的 电子编译 电子密码。

14. Positrons are essentially electrons with positive charge.


15. You've Got Mail, stuff like that.


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