负电子用英语怎么说 负电子的英语翻译

负电子用英语怎么说 负电子的英语翻译

负电子的英语是"  negaton",其次还可以说成"  [物] negative electron",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到36个与负电子相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   negaton

负电子翻译为   negaton。

But, can you see that as you get really close together the negative electronic cloud surrounding the two ions start to sense one another.


2.   [物] negative electron

负电子翻译为   [物] negative electron。

It will be drawn to the positive electrode.


3.   [物] negatron

负电子翻译为   [物] negatron。

The atom is made up of a nucleus with negative electrons revolving around it.


4. negative electron

负电子翻译为negative electron。

示例:There's no positive or negative effect.
There's no positive or negative effect.



1. negatron(负电子 )

2. negatronic(负电子的 )

3. negative electron([计] 负电子)

4. NEA cathode(负电子亲和势阴极)

5. negative electron affinity(负电子亲和力)


negative electron affinity ( 负电子亲合力 )

electron-positron collider BEPC positron collider ( 正负电子对撞机 )

nea photocathode negative affinity photocathode ( 负电子亲合力光电阴极 )

CEPC Circular Electron Positron Collider ( 环形正负电子对撞机 )

pair creation production of pairs ( 正负电子对产生 )

pair formation pair creation ( 正负电子对的产生 )


1. These proteins are very negatively charged.


2. You put a negative particle into that, particularly a negative particle which can carry pathogens -- so you have a negative charge, it attracts positive-charge elements, like pathogens, toxins, mercury, lead.

译文:你放进去一个负电荷, 特别是一个可能 有病原体的负电荷—— 负电荷可以吸引正电荷, 比如病原体,毒素, 水银,铅。

3. And these membranes are negatively charged, and help to repel the negatively charged chloride ions that are in that dissolved salt.

译文:这些薄膜本身带有负电荷, 能协助排斥溶解盐中 带负电荷的氯离子。

4. Girl: The total of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons -- SM: Australia Girl: -- giving it a net positive of negative electrical charge.

译文:女孩:电子的总量不等于质子(这是在澳大利亚) 女孩:所给与电子的负电荷的净电荷量。

5. "in one flashing moment, the two violently reunite


6. Electrons have an electric charge, a negative one, and quarks have electric charges in thirds.


7. The net charge on an ion is equal to the number of protons in the ion minus the number of electrons.

译文:离子上的负电荷数量等于离子上质子的数量 减去电子的数量。

8. Positive, negative - i never know which is which.

译文:正电,负电, 我永远搞不懂是那一边。

9. But mostly electrons stay close to their nucleus as clouds of negative charged density that shift and move with time.

译文:但是大部分时间电子都距离原子核很近, 呈现为带负电的电子云, 电子云会随着时间改变位置。

10. it has a very small mass and negative electric charge.


11. The HFD can't do that with a negatively charged frequency pulse.

译文:高频分解就没用了 用负电荷频率脉冲的话。

12. And we feed those positively charged spheres negatively charged electrons by adding formaldehyde to the mix.

译文:同时我们通过往混合液里加入甲醛 给带正电的球体里 提供带负电的电子。

13. And as it disappears, an electron from a shell farther out jumps in and takes its place.

译文:这个电子消失后,外面电子层的电子就会 跳入,顶替被撞出的电子。

14. Cyberchrist. Please listen to me, Jobe.


15. These proteins are very negatively charged.


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