中译日专利用英语怎么说 中译日专利英语翻译

中译日专利用英语怎么说 中译日专利英语翻译

中译日专利用英语说"international patent",还可以翻译为economic patent,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到15个与中译日专利相关的短语释义和例句。


1. international patent

中译日专利翻译为international patent。

示例:- Patent leather? - it's a tuxedo.
Patent Leather?


2. economic patent

中译日专利翻译为economic patent。

示例:Well, i'm supposed to be over there, mingling, taking pictures, and smiling. Raising all that money in these troubled economic times.
Raising all that money in these troubled economic times.


3. foreign patent

中译日专利翻译为foreign patent。

示例:That is patent balderdash!
- 都是废话! - 不是吗?


4. importation patent

中译日专利翻译为importation patent。

示例:There is no patent. Would you patent the sun?
没有专利 你想为太阳申请专利吗?



1. economic patent([专利] 经济专利)

2. dominant patent([专利] 主专利)

3. foreign patent([专利] 外国专利)

4. importation patent([专利] 输入专利)

5. international patent([专利] 国际专利)


1. The Medicines Patent Pool is a voluntary mechanism.


2. The airplane patent holders were not left a choice whether they'd license their patents or not.

译文:飞机专利持有者没有权利选择 是否提供专利许可证。

3. The same is true for patents.


4. "Patented clockwork mechanical man."


5. Only Mommy kisses me on the lips.


6. There is no patent. Would you patent the sun?

译文:没有专利 你想为太阳申请专利吗。

7. Patents are very difficult to overturn.


8. oh, and of course, there's gene patents."


9. And you can't patent an idea.


10. The airplane patent holders were not left a choice whether they'd license their patents or not.

译文:飞机专利持有者没有权利选择 是否提供专利许可证。

11. - A monopoly of some kind, isn't it?

译文:- 一种专利企业。

12. [Faking accent] Oh, the Chinese invented gunpowder.

译文:中国专利 火药。

13. And this is how it works: Patent holders, inventors that develop new medicines patent those inventions, but make those patents available to the Medicines Patent Pool. The Medicines Patent Pool then license those out to whoever needs access to those patents.

译文:它是这样运作的: 专利持有者,发明者 对其发明的新药 申请专利保护 但将这些药品专利 与药品专利库共享 再把许可证发放给需要使用该专利的人。

14. And this is how it works: Patent holders, inventors that develop new medicines patent those inventions, but make those patents available to the Medicines Patent Pool. The Medicines Patent Pool then license those out to whoever needs access to those patents.

译文:它是这样运作的: 专利持有者,发明者 对其发明的新药 申请专利保护 但将这些药品专利 与药品专利库共享 再把许可证发放给需要使用该专利的人。

15. Drug patents have exploded -- between 2006 and 2016, they doubled.

译文:药品专利激增—— 在 2006 至 2016 年间, 专利数量翻倍。

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