下消化道用英语怎么说 下消化道英语翻译

下消化道用英语怎么说 下消化道英语翻译

下消化道在英语中的翻译是"  Lower digestive tract",还网络中常译为"lower digestive tract",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到15个与下消化道相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   Lower digestive tract

下消化道翻译为   Lower digestive tract。

Then small intestine should be considered as middle alimentary tract and the large intestine as lower one.


2. lower digestive tract

下消化道翻译为lower digestive tract。

Objective: To discuss the value in diagnosis and treating the young child involving in low digestive tract disease with painless electronic colonoscopy.


3. lower alimentary tract -

下消化道翻译为 lower alimentary tract -。

Aims To study the causes and diagnostic methods of the massive lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage.



1. digestive tracts(消化道)

2. entericus(消化道)

3. tract alimentary(消化道)

4. tract digestive(消化道)

5. digestive tract([医] 消化道)


lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage LGIB hemorrhage of lower digestive tract ( 下消化道出血 )

lower gastrointestinal tract disease Progress in Japanese Medicine disease lower digestive tract ( 下消化道疾病 )

acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding ( 急性下消化道出血 )

Lower organic disorders LODS ( 以器质性下消化道疾病 )

disease lower digestive tract ( 释义下消化道疾病 )


1. This we found from bariatric surgery.


2. Bang! Smack! Wallop, Bing, Bong, Boom! Digest-digests, digest-digest-digests.

译文:砰!啪!击打,乒,乓,砰! 消化消化,消化消化消化。

3. Hold on. Let me process this.

译文:慢着 让我好好消化一下。

4. The lavage showed blood in your G.i. tract.


5. Made it all the way to the lower intestine.


6. Sir, i am having a digestive crisis... and must focus on suppressing its expression.

译文:先生,我正在经历消化道危机 要集中精力阻止喷涌而出。

7. it occurs naturally in feces being produced by tryptophan in the mammalian digestive track.

译文:它天然存在于粪便 由色氨酸正在生产 在哺乳动物的消化道。

8. They're blind, they have no digestive tract and they cannot survive outside captivity.

译文:他们是盲目的,他们没有消化道 并且它们不能外囚禁生存.。

9. Saliva also lubricates the food on its 12 hours , 4 meters journey through the gut

译文:唾液还能润滑食物的颗粒 这会帮助食物在4米多长的消化道内顺利行进。

10. But your digestive tract doesn't respond to all carbohydrates the same.

译文:但是你的消化道并不是对 所有的碳水化合物都有一样的反应。

11. i was cruising the digestive tract, just minding my own business.


12. Elena's my doppelganger, and while i let you chew on that...


13. it's gonna be in my digestive tract for seven years.


14. As food travels through our digestive tract, it reaches the fermentors who extract energy from these sugars by converting them into chemicals, like alcohol and hydrogen gas, which they spew out as waste products.

译文:食物通过我们的消化道时, 发酵性细菌会通过将糖类 进行转化, 来吸取化学反应中的能量, 并将产生的酒精和氢气 当做废料排出体外。

15. No sperm, no matter how athletic... could reach an egg through your digestive tract.

译文:无精子, 陡峭的是, 将无法穿透卵子 通过消化道。

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