奥义的英语为"profound meaning",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到88个与奥义相关的译文和例句。
1. profound meaning
奥义翻译为profound meaning。
The Isha - upanishad emphasizes the identity of the human soul with the divine soul.
1. profound meaning(奥义;深意)
2. upaniad(奥义书)
3. upni( 奥义书)
4. esotericists( 神秘主义者和奥义体验论者)
5. mandok( 曼多克;曼达克奥义书)
The Upanishads The Upanishads Upaniṣad The Upanishad Upanishad ( 奥义书 )
Katha Upanishad ( 卡达奥义书 )
Chandogya Upanishad ( 唱赞奥义书 )
Upanishads ( 奥义教 )
Katha Upanisad ( 卡塔奥义书 )
Mandukya Upanishad ( 曼都卡奥义书 )
City of esoteric City of Olympic volunteer City of profound meaning ( 城市的奥义 )
Life profound meaning ( 生命奥义 )
The Olympic volunteer life Profound meaning of life ( 生命的奥义 )
1. The purpose is for violence, the art of it is to butcher lives.
译文:目的是暴力 奥义为杀生。
2. if you look at most of the world's major religions, you will find seekers -- Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad -- seekers who are going off by themselves alone to the wilderness where they then have profound epiphanies and revelations that they then bring back to the rest of the community.
译文:如果你看看世界上主要的宗教 你会发现探寻者-- 摩西,耶稣,佛祖,穆罕默德 -- 那些独身去探寻的人们 在大自然的旷野中独处,思索 在那里,他们有了深刻的顿悟和对于奥义的揭示 之后他们把这些思想带回到社会的其他地方去。
3. There is so much cooler stuff in the fossil record, and we know so much about it.
译文:化石记录中有那么多 令人惊叹的东西, 我们也很了解其中奥义。
4. Khatun had fed me a mystery.
5. The trick is to... say "no" three times, then give in.
译文:总之奥义就是... "三下反抗,一下迎合"。
6. Now, let us see if you have learned all i have to teach.
7. Remember those bar fights we use to get into?
8. i see the concept of fetch eludes you.
9. i have tried to give a true account of my journey, knowledge of the martial arts, and ultimately wisdom for life.
译文:我曾想为自己的旅程做一个完整的记述 武术的知识 还有生命的奥义。
10. Once you find that out, you can't not construct the puzzle, and it's going to be about having the solvers make that connection in their own minds.
译文:一旦你发现这些奥义, 你就忍不住想自己策划谜题, 得让参与者 用自己的思维找出其中的联系。
11. Yes, input from Bible, Koran, Upanishads.
译文:圣经,可兰经 奥义书上都有提过。
12. David Sibbet from The Grove, and Kevin Richards, from Autodesk, made 650 sketches that strive to capture the essence of each presenter's ideas.
译文:The Grove的大卫司比特, 和Autodesk的凯文理查兹 他们所做的650张草图都致力于抓住 每个演讲者思维的奥义。