雪青色用英语怎么说 雪青色的英语翻译

雪青色用英语怎么说 雪青色的英语翻译

雪青色用英语说"  lilac",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Snow and blue",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到72个与雪青色相关的译文和例句。


1.   lilac

雪青色翻译为   lilac。

Top feathers used for the kingfisher craft are the turquoise blue and the snowy blue kingfisher feathers.


2.   Snow and blue

雪青色翻译为   Snow and blue。

示例:i'll be taking them up to higher elevation soon, to snow.
to snow.


3.   barwa fioletowa

4.   violet

雪青色翻译为   violet。

示例:Eyes on the prize, Violet.



1. niveotectura pallida(雪青螺)

2. dumont blue(大青色)

3. egg blue(蛋青色)

4. green dough( 青色)

5. pastel mink(青色水貂)


1. They are made from handpicked organic Zimbabwean cotton that has been shuttle loomed and then hand-dipped in natural indigo 24 times.

译文:由人手挑选的津巴布韦有机棉花 用梭织机织出 24次手工蘸染成自然靛青色。

2. a™ª everything i got, well, i pay cash for a™ª a™ª cash for a™ª treating' money like a gas torch a™ª

译文:青色的花 时间轴: 安娜糕 QH iTunes版调校: CHD小火影。

3. A unicorn who wears white shoes, and blue jersey shirts,


4. Danica, switch the lights to cyan and bring them up to 70% on my count.

译文:丹妮卡,开关 灯光青色 并为他们带来了 在我数的70%。

5. Turquoise is a nice color on you.


6. And my navy blue polo shirt, the one that looks kinda good on me but has that hole on it near the butt from when it got snagged on the chain-link fence behind Arturo's but it isn't even a big deal because i tuck that part in and it's, like, all good.

译文:我的藏青色Polo衬衫, 很合身但是屁股附近有个洞 那是在阿图罗家的后院 的铁丝网上刮坏的 不过没关系 我把它卷起来了 整体上还不错。

7. Non several. Orange, khaki and overseas.

译文:不 我喜欢很多颜色 橙色 青色 和卡其色。

8. i couid see where the blue turns to black.


9. Promise me you will do something about that vulgar teal paint if you ever become lady of this house.

译文:答应我如果你成了这所房子的女主人 得把那种深青色油漆处理掉。

10. i separated this image into cyan, magenta, yellow, black, the basic printing colors, and then mixed up the separations, and you get these peculiar pictures.

译文:我把这个图像分成青色,品红色,黄色,黑色, 这些最基本的印刷色彩然后把它们混合起来, 你就得到这些奇特的图片。

11. it's not turquoise. it's not lapis.

译文:不是绿色 也不是青色。

12. The last time you watched the boys, the guinea pig's hair was dyed blue.

译文:上次让你带小孩 天竺鼠的头发被染成蓝色了 应该是青色 谢谢你注意到。

13. There is a figure in the left corner clothed in blue robes descending onto a golden field to mend the bond between Man and Earth and guide the people to the pure land at last.

译文:身穿青色衣服的圣者 降临在这金黄的原野上 重系那已经和大地失去的羁绊 最终引导人们前往蓝色清净之地。

14. HQ, there is a green minibus

译文:{\fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000}总部... 有一辆青色小巴。

15. Aren't you disguising as a rabbit, so green?


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