产品广告语用英语怎么说 产品广告语英语翻译

产品广告语用英语怎么说 产品广告语英语翻译

产品广告语的英语可以这样说:product advertising,在日常中也可以翻译为"sloganeerings",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到99个与产品广告语相关的译文和例句。


1. product advertising

产品广告语翻译为product advertising。

示例:More pieces, more product. More product?
more product.


2. sloganeerings

3. nonproduct advertising

产品广告语翻译为nonproduct advertising。

示例:United States,advertising,business,economics,marketing,shopping
United States,advertising,business,economics,marketing,shopping


4. slogans


示例:And our slogans are everywhere!
- 不要忘记到处都有我们的标语



1. follow your dreams(追逐你的梦想(沃德公司的广告语))

2. slogans(n. 标语, 口号, 广告语( slogan的复数形式 ))

3. product advertising(产品广告)

4. nonproduct advertising(非产品广告)

5. sloganeerings(n. (在宣传等中的)标语口号的使用;简短广告语的使用)


1. We're gonna have some-- One of the big- -kneecap.

译文:(广告)我们会有一些... ... (广告)...。

2. Need you to get that marketing done on the new line pronto.


3. Spin off! Time ! Some kind of celebrity scandal.

译文:不副产品,不是广告 不是造谣。

4. That's a term from advertising where you don't try to sell a product, you sell the image of the product.

译文:"形象"是广告行业的专用词广告业不卖产品, 它们卖的是产品的形象这种形象经常是虚假的。

5. it was kind of a mixture of found object, product design and advertising.


6. Yeah, i got the commercial on me somewhere. Let's see, yeah.

译文:我身上什么地方该有广告产品 我看看,是的。

7. i think the line is "it's the real thing."

译文:我记得广告语是 正宗的可口可乐。

8. Advertisers would withdraw their advertising.


9. - Would be good promotion for them.


10. - Advertising. - Advertising.

译文:广告 广告。

11. (Sikh Prayer) Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

译文:(锡克教祷告语) Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh。

12. (Sikh Prayer) "Tati Vao Na Lagi, Par Brahm Sarnai."

译文:(锡克教祷告语)“Tati Vao Na Lagi, Par Brahm Saenai.”。

13. Come on, i'm sorry, i just really need to focus here.

译文:加油 我要更好的广告语。

14. And the most important for an ad film: the packshot.


15. That's when you're perceived as fake, as a phony company -- advertizing things that you're not.

译文:那于是人们就视你为假的谎骗的公司-- 去广告非你所说的那种产品。

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