洗你的脸用英语怎么说 洗你的脸英语翻译

洗你的脸用英语怎么说 洗你的脸英语翻译

洗你的脸的英语是"  wash your face",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到45个与洗你的脸相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   wash your face

洗你的脸翻译为   wash your face。

Wash your face every day.



1. Zemaraim( 洗玛脸;洗玛脸山)

2. have a wash(洗一洗,洗个脸)

3. your face(你的脸;你的样子)

4. show your face( 露面;露出你的脸)

5. hide your face( 掩面不顾;藏匿你的脸)


1. You think i couldn't see her blushing?

译文:她就是来这洗洗脸 什么洗脸 洗什么脸呀。

2. With 100 liters of water per day, you can take a five-minute shower, wash your face twice and probably flush the toilet about five times.

译文:每天只有100升水, 你可以洗5分钟的澡, 洗两次脸, 大概可以冲五次马桶。

3. Wash your face. i don't want you wearing makeup.

译文:把脸洗干净 我不喜欢你涂脂抹粉。

4. So then i go to the stinking bathroom. i wash my stinking face.

译文:然后我就进了那臭烘烘的厕所, 洗我那臭烘烘的脸。

5. Wait a minute... your face!


6. Let me just wash my face, huh?


7. i've cooked you noodles. Get up and wash yourself.

译文:阿嬷面煮熟了 快起来手脸洗一洗可以吃早餐了。

8. Making her clean your dirty clothes. Wash your dishes.

译文:怎么能让她洗你的脏衣服 为你洗盘子。

9. Wash your face. i'll be right back.

译文:你洗个脸 我就回来。

10. You don't do anything. They do it to you.

译文:你不必洗 , 有 人 帮 你洗。

11. Then you threw the pooped underwear away and forgot to wash your face.

译文:之后你摘下来面具 却忘记洗自己的脸的人。

12. Your face is close to my face.


13. And your face-- that beautiful, beautiful face.

译文:还有你的脸 你非常非常漂亮的脸。

14. You are in need of a wash.


15. My face or your face? What city?


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