不分彼此用英语怎么说 不分彼此英语翻译

不分彼此用英语怎么说 不分彼此英语翻译

不分彼此用英语说"be on very intimate terms",还经常被译作share everything,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到82个与不分彼此相关的释义和例句。


1. be on very intimate terms

不分彼此翻译为be on very intimate terms。

Share everything between the owner and guests are their own baking, while drinking, chatting on the side.


2. share everything

不分彼此翻译为share everything。

Jehoshaphat replied, 'I am as you are, and my people as your people; we will join you in the war.'


3. share everything between each other

不分彼此翻译为share everything between each other。

Between friends all is common.


4.   share everything between each other

不分彼此翻译为   share everything between each other。

示例:Ooh! Anyway, despite that, i know you share this feeling that we have for each other...
I know you share this feeling that we have for each other...



1. each other(彼此)

2. one another(彼此)

3. intercovertible(彼此互换)

4. love one another(彼此相爱)

5. loveoneanother(彼此相爱;让我们彼此相爱)


Wish each other anew ( 希望彼此不分离 )


1. Jesse: You see. Now that we know that we've been sucky boyfriends. . . we can change.


2. Fear does not discriminate. it can equally affect both sides.


3. Afterwards, it should be impossible to distinguish one from the other.


4. Evil doesn't discriminate.


5. You have a group of people trying to accomplish a mission greater than themselves; it's not about you.

译文:一群人为了完成一项 一个人无法完成的任务 而不分彼此。

6. The raping of the Earth, the pillaging of minerals, the destruction of vaginas -- none of these were separate anymore from each other or me.

译文:这是对地球的强暴, 对矿产的掠夺, 对阴道的摧残, 所有这些事情变得 和我不分彼此了。

7. Every crime has equal importance.


8. My three stepchildren, whom i love as i do my own daughter Ginevra... and you, Nadine, my dear daughter-in-law... i've arranged for us all to go to Europe and the Holy Land.

译文:我对三位的爱和对亲生女金妮维拉一样不分彼此... 还有你,我亲爱的儿媳纳丁... 我已安排全家人到欧洲和圣城尽情游玩。

9. Justice and injustice. Blame no one


10. A decree replacing Persian with English as the language of administration and education.

译文:我想那时是印度的黄金时期 所有的团体,不分彼此。

11. Never has been and never will be a lover, male or female Who hasn't an eye on


12. in dreams our ways get lost


13. There is no rich or poor, no high or low

译文:不分贫穷富裕, 不分贵贱高低。

14. it is, but know that as family you'll be treated with respect and, if need be, forgiveness.

译文:既然大家不分彼此 如同家人 你们应得到尊重 还有 宽恕。

15. Before leaving, Mayila and LEO made a swear that they would not betrayed and would not separate forever.


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