皇亲国戚的英语翻译是"princes and princesses of the royal family",还经常被译作relatives of an emperor,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到11个与皇亲国戚相关的译文和例句。
1. princes and princesses of the royal family
皇亲国戚翻译为princes and princesses of the royal family。
示例:The royal princes and princesses.
2. relatives of an emperor
皇亲国戚翻译为relatives of an emperor。
示例:Emperor? What Emperor? A fake Emperor?
3. members of the imperial house
皇亲国戚翻译为members of the imperial house。
示例:("Members Only" by Sheryl Crow)
(∮ "Members Only" by Sheryl Crow)
4. a kinsman of the emperor
皇亲国戚翻译为a kinsman of the emperor。
示例:in the presence of your new emperor!
Kneel! In the presence of your new emperor!
1. She has toyed with five of the greatest nobles.
译文:将五位皇亲国戚 玩弄于股掌之间啊。
2. The Tsar himself supervised how they were hung. Did you know this?
译文:于是沙皇亲自管理他们的 悬挂 你知道吗。
3. With royalty and officials everywhere the Royal Guard keep security tight.
译文:无非是皇亲国戚 各部的官员,加之八旗军,布防严密,各有辖区。
4. i told isabel we had this bull validated by the current pope.
译文:我就是我告诉伊莎贝尔的我们拿到的圣谕 而且我还说是现任教皇亲许的。
5. So the parasites in the imperial Tribute tea were bred in human bodies!
译文:原来皇亲贵族享用的贡品 都是用人血培育出来的。
6. His family was not rich or powerful or well-connected.
译文:他家不富有、没背景 也不是什么皇亲国戚 His family was not rich or powerful or well -connected.。
7. Tojo was hand-picked by the Εmperor to be Prime Minister.
8. i bet those royals really live it up. Course they're all a little...