有的放矢用英语怎么说 有的放矢英语翻译

有的放矢用英语怎么说 有的放矢英语翻译

有的放矢的英语为"do sth. with a purpose",在日常中也可以翻译为"  more wood behind fewer arrows",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到28个与有的放矢相关的释义和例句。


1. do sth. with a purpose

有的放矢翻译为do sth. with a purpose。

Not every conversation need be on point and under the gun.


2.   more wood behind fewer arrows

有的放矢翻译为   more wood behind fewer arrows。

And, in this case at least, the critics are on to something.


3. shoot the arrow at the target -- have a definite object in view

有的放矢翻译为shoot the arrow at the target -- have a definite object in view。

I mentioned that practice needs to be focused.


4.   Vpon


1. vpon( Vivid Picture On Network; 上海有的放矢广告有限公司; 新众)

2. enlays( 放矢)

3. SVGT( 可缩放矢量图形)

4. commonable(共有的 )

5. wealthy(富有的 )


objectives-oriented project planning ( 有的放矢项目规划法 )


1. Oh! There was something...


2. He would look at all the math, all the formulas, prove all the math, all the formulas.

译文:他会看所有的数学, 所有的公式, 证明所有的数学, 所有的公式。

3. The criticism of Z Hedge Fund is completely unfounded.

译文:我觉得现在外面对之墓金的纰评 完全是无的放矢。

4. Some are bigger. Some are smaller.

译文:有的大 有的小。

5. Sometimes hot, sometimes greasy, sometimes cold, sometimes rubbery, crunchy.

译文:有的太腻 有的冷了,有的无味 有的松脆...。

6. (Laughter) And like with all research projects, there are successes and there are failures.

译文:(笑声) 如同所有的研究项目,有的成功 有的失败。

7. i could wear for the retreat? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep.

译文:有的 有的 等我下下。

8. Everything is destroyed! Everything!

译文:所有的都毁了 所有的。

9. - You can sure as hell try

译文:- 有的。

10. i know what you mean, extinct languages are pointless.

译文:我知道你的意思, 灭绝的语言是无的放矢。

11. Sometimes accidentally exposed, sometimes barely seen

译文:有的意外暴露 有的若隐若现。

12. You're the one who let the cockroach into that room!


13. it overreacts, makes things up as it goes along and is actually designed for somebody else's benefit.

译文:它反应过激 制造出东西又无的放矢 效益明显不高。

14. Some are very narrow, some are wide, some are shaded at the edges.

译文:有的很窄,有的很宽, 有的边缘很模糊。

15. Not really, he is satirical, ... and conveys his arguments subtly

译文:不是,人家三苏先生是有的放矢 幽默讽刺,言中有物。

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