微信好友申请用英语怎么说 微信好友申请英语翻译

微信好友申请用英语怎么说 微信好友申请英语翻译



1. microtheme

2. friendful

3. little buddy

微信好友申请翻译为little buddy。

示例:Don't worry, little buddy.
little buddy.


4. friendsome


1. microtheme( 微信)

2. miscognizant( 微信)

3. little buddy(好友)

4. friendful( 好友)

5. friendsome( 好友)


1. ♪ Should old acquaintance be forgot ♪


2. i was having a chat in a WeChat chatroom with my friends.

译文:我正在微信群聊室 跟几个朋友聊天。

3. And farewell, good fellow.

译文:再会了, 好友。

4. Take all the air you want, chum.

译文:随意 好友。

5. You might tell him that i own a letter said to be his best friend's last.

译文:你可以告他我有一封信 据说是他好友的最后一封信。

6. Just thought you'd loosen up a bit.


7. Did you send him a friend request?


8. The problem with our little friend date is that it didn't feel like a friend date.

译文:我们的好友最新觉得不 作为好友的更新。

9. i'm gonna act like i didn't see you check your Facebook for friend requests.

译文:那我也假装自己没看见 你在查看脸书的好友申请。

10. So i could post it on Weibo.


11. Aren't you all buddy buddy?


12. it's my request for release from Arabia, sir.

译文:是我要求调离阿拉伯的申请信 先生。

13. Luk Sir, i just added Angel as my friend on my other WeChat account.

译文:主任,我刚刚用我微信的第二账号 加了她做朋友。

14. - Tweeting, actually, sir.

译文:- 其实是发了个微信啦 主编。

15. i got message from my email, and your photo is all over Weibo with all reports saying that you are Driller's son-in-law.

译文:我收了电邮、微信都有你的照片 全都说你是电钻哥的女婿。

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