不幸因病去世用英语怎么说 不幸因病去世英语翻译

不幸因病去世用英语怎么说 不幸因病去世英语翻译

不幸因病去世的英语翻译是"go aloft",还网络中常译为"genopathy",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到37个与不幸因病去世相关的释义和例句。


1. go aloft

不幸因病去世翻译为go aloft。

示例:- Hands aloft to secure! - Come on, get aloft there!
水手们到高处去保护 快点到那边上面去


2. genopathy

3. sing nunc dimittis

不幸因病去世翻译为sing nunc dimittis。

示例:Badge! You wanna sing, then sing.
then sing.


4. paranosis


1. go aloft(去世)

2. exopathia(外因病)

3. genopathy(基因病)

4. paranosis(因病获益)

5. sing nunc dimittis(告别;去世)


1. Diane has graciously agreed to hand over the managing partner reigns to Mr. Canning, who is unfortunately out sick today.

译文:Diane已经大方地答应 将她的管理权移交给Canning先生 他今天不幸因病缺席了。

2. Your wife died this afternoon in the operating room.

译文:你妻子在今天下午的手术中 不幸去世了。

3. One of America's best hopes for the 1976 Olympics runner Steve Prefontaine, is dead.

译文:美国出征xx年奥运的希望之星... ...Steve Prefontaine不幸去世.。

4. My mother died, unfortunately, when i was 12 years [old].

译文:不幸的是,当我xx岁的时候, 我的母亲去世了。

5. Most patients cannot afford to be treated on time, and they die.

译文:绝大多数患者因得不到及时治疗, 最终不幸去世。

6. Gerry died. and that's what brought us back here today.

译文:xx年后盖瑞不幸去世 我们都来参加他的葬礼。

7. My mother died, unfortunately, when i was 12 years [old].

译文:不幸的是,当我xx岁的时候, 我的母亲去世了。

8. A kid that was just unlucky enough to have his mother pass away and his father run out on him.

译文:那个孩子很不幸 他的母亲去世了 父亲也抛弃他了。

9. Big Mac Chetley died before he had a chance to finish the job.

译文:老Chetley事业未竟 就不幸去世了。

10. He unfortunately passed away last year.


11. it didn't work out for her, granted, she passed away, unfortunately.

译文:可惜没有挽救她 她最后不幸去世了。

12. ~ She passed out from the pain.

译文:- 她是因病痛去世! - 但于法虞人而言,她就是被诅咒了。

13. She's been off work because of sickness.


14. Unfortunately he died the day we got here.


15. i was very sad that i couldn't be there.


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