下颌的英语为"lower jaw",还网络中常译为"mandible -",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到39个与下颌相关的翻译和例句。
1. lower jaw
下颌翻译为lower jaw。
The dolphin has evolved a highly developed jaw.
2. mandible -
下颌翻译为 mandible -。
This special fatty tissue, the only other place is found in the dolphin, is in the lower jaw.
3. submaxill
He hired a dentist to transplant nine teeth into his jaw—having extracted them from the mouths of his slaves.
4. lower mandible
下颌翻译为 lower mandible。
示例:A possible fractured mandible.
1. jowl(下颌 )
2. lower jaw(下颌)
3. lower mandible(下颌)
4. underjaw(下颌)
5. mandibular line(下颌腺, 下颌线)
fracture of mandible Mandibular fracture Mandible fracture mandibular bone fracture ( 下颌骨骨折 )
submandibular gland ( 下颌下腺 )
TMD temporomandibular disorders temporomandibular joint disorders TMD-Temporo-mandibular Disorders ( 颞下颌关节紊乱病 )
TMJ Temporo-mandibular Joint internal derangement in temporomandibular joints temporomandibular art( 颞下颌关节 )
mandibular nerve ( 下颌神经 解剖 )
agnathy agnathia ( 无下颌 )
Oculomandibular dysostosis ( 眼下颌发育不全 )
mandibular retrusion Mandibular retrognathia retrognathia ( 下颌后缩 口腔 )
mandibulofacial dysostosis ( 下颌骨颜面发育不全 口腔 )
1. (Screaming) (Laughter) The Tasmanian devil is predominantly a scavenger, and it uses its powerful jaws and its sharp teeth to chomp on the bones of rotting dead animals.
译文:(尖叫) (笑声) 袋獾主要食腐肉 它们用有利的下颌骨 和尖利的牙齿 啃食腐烂动物尸体的骨头。
2. The blows left a 4-inch gash through his temple and cut into the bone of his upper and lower jaw.
译文:剩下的冲击 通过他的寺庙一块4英寸的伤口 和切入骨 他的上,下颌骨。
3. Asshole busted her in the jaw and threw her down in the dirt.
4. Mandible width: 150 millimeters.
译文:下颌骨宽 150毫米。
5. Cancer had been seen in my right lower jawbone.
6. i hit my head on my desk. i broke my cheekbone, i got five stitches on my right eye.
译文:头撞在了桌子上,下颌骨也骨折了, 我的右眼缝了5针。
7. The razor-sharp jaws of these army ants can strip a frog or a lizard to the bone in minutes.
译文:这些军蚁的锐利下颌 能在几分钟内 把青蛙或蜥蜴吃到只剩骨头。
8. (Laughter) it essentially means to replace a damaged tooth by an artificial one, that is screwed into your jaw.
译文:(笑声) 基本上,就是要把一颗受损的牙齿 换成一颗人工牙齿, 用螺钉固定在你的下颌上。
9. And another: "Skull with lower jaw for sale.
译文:还有: "带下颌之颅骨待售。
10. i feel his cheekbones, his jaw, his nose.
译文:我能感受到他的颧骨 I feel his cheekbones, 他的下颌 鼻子 his jaw, his nose.。
11. it features a pair of jaws called mandibles with toothed inner edges that cut up and crush solid foods, like leaves or other insects.
译文:它具有的特征就是 这样一对爪子模样的下颌骨, 在其内侧有着用来碾碎、咀嚼用的牙齿, 通常吃的东西是 树叶或者是其它的昆虫。
12. Somewhere around China, a fish developed jaws, and its descendants drove jawless fishes, sea scorpions and branching plankton to extinction.
译文:在中国某地,一条鱼长出了下颌, 它的后代便把无颌鱼、 海蝎和树状浮游生物 赶尽杀绝。
13. At 2m long, the Nile monitor is Africa's largest lizard - an ambush predator armed with raking claws and powerful jaws.
译文:尼罗河巨蜥是非洲最大的蜥蜴,长2米 有着锐利爪子和强劲下颌的善于伏击的捕食者。
14. On this type of mouthpart, the mandibles themselves are not actually used for eating.
译文:在这种类型的口器中, 下颌钳其实并没有在进食中被使用到。
15. i hit my head on my desk.