代工的英语可以这样说:OEM original equipment manufacturer,还经常被译作 OEM,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到39个与代工相关的翻译和例句。
1. OEM original equipment manufacturer
代工翻译为OEM original equipment manufacturer。
The large passenger aircraft is praised as "the flower of modern industry".
2. OEM
代工翻译为 OEM。
Japan is often quoted as the prime example of a modern industrial nation.
3. Foundry
代工翻译为 Foundry。
The bridge is a triumph of modern engineering.
1. liberation tax(代工税)
2. modern industry(现代工业)
3. import substituting industry([法]进口替代工业)
4. E.M.S.( 省电模式;电子制造代工;国际快递服务)
5. paleotechnic(a. 古技术的;现代工业早期的)
modern industrial system ( 现代工业体系 )
Foundry Wafer Foundry foundry services ( 晶圆代工 )
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer ( 代工生产 )
Foundry Foundries Next Generation Factory ( 代工厂 )
Foundry WAFER FAB ( 晶圆代工厂 )
ODM Design Foundry original design manufacturer ( 设计代工 )
Alternative Routine alternative routing ( 替代工序 )
Xia Shang Zhou Chronology Project the xia-shang-zhou dynasties division project ( 夏商周断代工程 )
CEM Contract Manufaction service CEM Contract Manu faction service ( 合约委托代工 )
1. Better than a smuggler like you.
2. it's made out of spruce and canvas and good old-fashioned American ingenuity.
译文:它是由云杉木和帆布还有 很好的古代工艺制成的。
3. So instead, we've invented all these proxies.
4. i recently read about what the young generation of workers want in Harvard Business Review.
译文:我最近读了《哈佛商业评论》上关于 年轻一代工人的需求的文章。
5. So, from both directions, there is kind of, i think, a lack of understanding about what it could mean to be an artist who uses the materials of his own day, or her own day, which i think artists are obliged to do, is to really explore the expressive potential of the new tools that we have.
译文:所以从认知的双方向看,我以为还是存在一些缺失的, 那就是,作为一个使用他自己时代工具的艺术家 到底意味着什么。我以为艺术家的一个使命就是, 不断拓展我们时代新工具的表达潜能。
6. The temporary building is a triumph of modern industrial organization, a healthy sublimation of the urge to build, and proof that not every architectural idea need be set in stone.
译文:这些暂住“居民” 也是现代工业化中的胜利者。它们也是对建楼欲望的 一种升华。还向人们证明了, 不是每一个建筑 都是一成不变、无法更改的。
7. "Without them modern industry would have been impossible, and space flights would have been postponed to the next century. "
译文:"没有他们 现代工业经济是不可能实现" 而太空飞船也要等到下个世纪才能现身"。
8. Experienced smugglers eat all they want,
9. So it's thanks to the combined efforts of generations of engineers, material scientists, and quantum physicists that this tool of incredible power and precision can spin in the palm of your hand.
译文:多亏了一代又一代工程师, 材料科学家, 还有量子物理学家们的共同努力, 这个拥有不可思议的能量, 无比精确的小工具 才能在你手掌中旋转。
10. Besides OEM, there are about 400 to 500 workers.
译文:代工不算 工人现在有四五百个人。
11. That your department's just received ancient technology from Tunisia.
译文:你们刚刚从突尼斯接到 一项古代工艺。
12. The temporary building is a triumph of modern industrial organization, a healthy sublimation of the urge to build, and proof that not every architectural idea need be set in stone.
译文:这些暂住“居民” 也是现代工业化中的胜利者。它们也是对建楼欲望的 一种升华。还向人们证明了, 不是每一个建筑 都是一成不变、无法更改的。
13. The fear that automation might displace workers and potentially lead to lots of unemployment goes back at a minimum 200 years to the Luddite revolts in England.
译文:人类一直担忧,自动化会取代工人 进而导致大量失业, 从二百多年前的英国卢德运动开始。
14. Now, one important conclusion of my historical research is that modern industrial growth did not change this basic fact as much as one might have expected.
译文:一个重要推论 是依据我的历史研究 当代工业增长没有改变 这一基本事实。
15. He's actually a third - generation engineer but i have the most important job.
译文:事实上 他是第三代工程师了... ... 但是我有更重要的工作。