资本市场回暖用英语怎么说 资本市场回暖英语翻译

资本市场回暖用英语怎么说 资本市场回暖英语翻译

资本市场回暖用英语说"national capital market",其次还可以说成"perfect capital market",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到53个与资本市场回暖相关的释义和例句。


1. national capital market

资本市场回暖翻译为national capital market。

示例:it's financeable in the private capital market.


2. perfect capital market

资本市场回暖翻译为perfect capital market。

示例:- it's perfect with a capital P.


3. international capital market

资本市场回暖翻译为international capital market。

示例:it's financeable in the private capital market.


4. Efficient capital market

资本市场回暖翻译为Efficient capital market。

示例:it's more efficient than the market brands.
比市场上卖的牌子效果好 It's more efficient than the market brands.



1. Efficient capital market(有效资本市场)

2. internal capital market(内部资本市场)

3. perfect capital market(完善资本市场)

4. international capital market([经] 国际资本市场)

5. national capital market(国内资本市场)


1. if we can replicate his success in Hong Kong and Tokyo...

译文:若把他的方法用在... 香港和日本市场。

2. And we believe in the rule of law and order and free-market capitalism.

译文:我们信仰法律 秩序 和自由市场资本主义。

3. Most beautiful woman on the police force right here.

译文:- 本市最美警花。

4. And their policy prescription is to make government more accountable, focus on the capital markets, invest, don't give anything away.

译文:他们对于现在的政策所用的药方是 增强政府的责任心, 把重点放在资本市场, 投资,但不进行任何援助。

5. (Laughter) Unemployment up. Housing values down. Equity markets down.

译文:(笑声) 失业率~上升,房产价格~下降,资本市场~猛跌。

6. As an investment banker, i'm in the cross-flow of information and the changes that are taking place in capital markets.

译文:作为一个银行家,我总处于各种交错的信息中 处于瞬息万变资本市场。

7. As an investment banker, i'm in the cross-flow of information and the changes that are taking place in capital markets.

译文:作为一个银行家,我总处于各种交错的信息中 处于瞬息万变资本市场。

8. i want to talk about it from the perspective of capital markets.


9. Northern Japan is experiencing a heat wave.


10. They've raised more than a billion dollars in the capital markets.


11. They are predicting warmer weather, Madam.


12. We got rid of the risk, but now we need a lot of capital, and you can only get that kind of capital in the capital markets.

译文:我们可以解决风险问题,但是我们现在需要大量资金 只有一个地方可以获得如此多的资金 即"资本市场"。

13. And their policy prescription is to make government more accountable, focus on the capital markets, invest, don't give anything away.

译文:他们对于现在的政策所用的药方是 增强政府的责任心, 把重点放在资本市场, 投资,但不进行任何援助。

14. Because in Africa today, we are competing globally for capital.


15. Whether it's by finding those innovations that can access the capital markets, government itself, or partner with major corporations, there is unbelievable opportunity for innovation.

译文:不管是寻找那些可以与 资本市场进行联系的创新成果, 还是政府本身,抑或是和大公司合作, 都会有很大机会进行再创新。

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