祖辈通常被翻译为" forefathers"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"ancestry",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到84个与祖辈相关的释义和例句。
1. forefathers
祖辈翻译为 forefathers。
My family have lived in this house for generations.
2. ancestry
Our parents and grandparents asked themselves those questions.
3. forefathers
It is expected that the grandparents will care for the child.
4. Ancestry
祖辈翻译为 Ancestry。
示例:Romulans and Vulcans share a common ancestry.
Generations for generations from generation to generation de generacio al generacio ( 祖祖辈辈 )
ancestor menu ( 祖辈菜单 )
Gran lit ( 祖辈文学 )
ancestral estate ( 祖辈遗留下来的产业 )
ancestral dream ( 祖祖辈辈的梦想 )
stories that came down to us from our forefathers ( 祖祖辈辈传下来的故事 )
ancestor ( 自祖父以上各辈尊长 )
ancestor ( 祖先 前辈结点 )
ancestry ( 祖先先辈 )
1. We've gone through so much to protect our forefathers' land and now we are losing it.
译文:我们做了那么多都是为了保护祖辈留下的土地 而现在我们要失去它了。
2. it is one thing to beat our chests and parade our boldness pretending this is still the empire of our fathers.
译文:拍着胸口,炫耀勇气 假装这还是祖辈的帝国... 这是一回事。
3. Some ancestor, eager to abase himself as some act of penance for some unmentionable crime -
译文:某个祖辈 因难以启齿的罪行 渴望以纡尊降贵作为苦修。
4. When we first loop upon the halls of our fathers... - Kili...
译文:―这可是我第一次看到祖辈的殿堂 ―奇力。
5. And there were no rules on our cave walls to prepare us for that.
译文:并且对于这事 岩壁上没有祖辈留下的 and there were no rules on our cave walls 任何有用讯息 to prepare us for that.。
6. i know my folks is here in Texas long enough to get rich too.
译文:我的祖辈呆在 这里也变得富有了。
7. But i want them to be born where i and all my people before me were born.
8. He and his forefathers, going back five generations, have been feeding the hyenas
译文:他和他的祖辈 连续五代人 在喂食这些鬣狗时。
9. "Robin Hood, Robin Hood riding through the glen." ¶ Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding though the glen ¶
译文:确实说獾们祖祖辈辈居住在那里 Actually it says that the badgershave dwelt there forgenerations。
10. The ancient music with which your peasant ancestors... celebrated every wedding for countless generations.
译文:这是你祖辈传下来的音乐 代代婚礼上都要演奏的音乐。
11. And i come from a long line of chiefs, stretching all the way back to Hawaiiki... where our ancient ones are-- the ones that first heard the land crying and sent a man.
译文:我的祖辈世代都是酋长 一直可以追溯到哈瓦基... 我们的祖先居住的地方 --。
12. His great-grandfather, too. His ancestors were all peasants.
译文:他曾祖父也是 他祖祖辈辈都是农民。
13. Sin of our generations Nawa
译文:我们的祖祖辈辈作的孽吧 娜瓦。
14. But now that i have time, i'll take my solo voices concerts and write, so that future generations can try it... "
译文:并编写音乐会 祖祖辈辈 未来可以尝试"。
15. There's ancestral platforms, gears to grease for background checks.
译文:祖辈关系都得做 There's ancestral platforms, 滴水不漏才能通过背景检查 gears to grease for background checks.。