产品服务用英语怎么说 产品服务英语翻译

产品服务用英语怎么说 产品服务英语翻译

产品服务的英语为"  Service",其次还可以说成"product serving -",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到47个与产品服务相关的释义和例句。


1.   Service

产品服务翻译为   Service。

Intellectual property results from creative thinking and may include products, services, processes, and ideas.


2. product serving -

产品服务翻译为 product serving -。

Which USES REST for providing profile and product services.


3.   product service

产品服务翻译为   product service。

Business is all about making the right connections and getting the word out about your company, services, and products.


4. product service

产品服务翻译为product service。

示例:More pieces, more product. More product?
more product.



1. product service(产品服务)

2. product and service( 产品与服务;产品和服务;产品及服务)

3. product service factors(产品服务因素)

4. services replace product(服务替代产品)

5. product service mix(产品服务组合)


Service TAG ( 产品服务编号 )

Product Service System ( 产品服务系统 )

Product Service & Improvement ( 产品服务及改善 )

Product Service System Design ( 产品服务系统设计 )

Demand Variability (服务需求变动性 )

Opportunity to Differentiate Products and Services (服务差异化机会 )


1. And you know what those products and services are, because you own some of them.

译文:你们知道那样的产品服务 因为你们就有。

2. Says here you work in an electronics store.

译文:- 你服务于电子产品商店。

3. And that means competition on the merits, that you compete on the quality of your products, the prices you can offer, the services, the innovation that you produce.

译文:也就是按水平竞争 根据产品品质、价格 服务 和创新性来竞争。

4. Nobody wants to buy the product.


5. it also informs the decisions you make when you make products or services.

译文:他还会告诉你做的决定 当你制定产品或者服务的时候.。

6. in other words they get services, products or assets cheap.

译文:亦即他们可用低价获得服务 产品及资产。

7. it's brand new technology!


8. Environmental procedures, defense projects, consumer products.

译文:环保产品 防务产品 消费产品。

9. All you need is an upgrade.


10. - The product originates from...

译文:- 产品源于...。

11. Our imaginations are the birthplace of new products, new services, and even new industries.

译文:我们的想象力是新产品 新服务 甚至新工业的诞生地。

12. Can we make a little product or a service out of it?"


13. The waiters are products -- (Laughter) At this some women felt like, "Yes! i thought that!"

译文:这些服务生是产品—— (笑声) 这时一些女人的反应是, “没错!我想也是!”。

14. - You are not selling enough servers.


15. Everything about locally derived products and services, supporting your local neighborhoods, whether it's cheeses, wines and other products.

译文:那就是就近获得产品和服务 以支持本地社区, 无论是奶酪、酒还是其他产品。

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