巫山故居用英语翻译为"Rhododendron roxieoides",还可以翻译为Wu Mountains,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到87个与巫山故居相关的翻译和例句。
1. Rhododendron roxieoides
巫山故居翻译为Rhododendron roxieoides。
示例:You care to explain how Mrs. Frigo's rhododendron got here?
2. Wu Mountains
巫山故居翻译为Wu Mountains。
示例:Ten for the Redridge Mountains.
Ten for the Redridge Mountains.
3. former residence
巫山故居翻译为former residence。
示例:No driver's license, current or expired. No residence, current or former.
没有中间名 像个幽灵
4. Ranodon wushanensis
1. former residence(n. 故居)
2. Ranodon wushanensis(巫山北鲵)
3. Wu Mountains( 巫山梦)
4. lincoln's( 林肯童年故居)
5. Rhododendron roxieoides(n. 巫山杜鹃)
1. it's not like i was invited to Richard Feynman's house and have anything better to do.
译文:反正我没被邀请去理查德·费曼故居 It's not like I was invited to Richard Feynman's house 也没什么事情做 and have anything better to do.。
2. He could be having the time of his life while she thinks she's a chicken pecking for corn.
译文:他们共赴巫山时 搞不好她以为自己是小鸡在啄米呢。
3. Agnew... go plot your next date rape in the kitchen, or your station's going to be empty all night.
译文:Agnew... 快去厨房谋划你下一次的巫山云雨吧 要不然这一整晚你在厨房的活儿可就没人做了。
4. i'd very much appreciate a small tour around the old place, if you wouldn't mind.
译文:如果你不介意的话 一个小小的故居漫游 能让我无比感激。
5. As the University was expanding to the south, they found a site that was the house of Kitty Foster, free African American woman.
译文:随着大学校园向南扩张, 他们找到了基蒂 · 福斯特的故居所在地, 一个自由的非洲裔美国女人。
6. i don't think this happens often in Wushan, judging by the audience!
7. This is Woolsthorpe, Newton's ancestral home.
译文:这里是牛顿的故居,伍尔斯索普 This is Woolsthorpe, Newton's ancestral home.。
8. i think it's the best man and the maid of honor sneaking off to get it on, while the rest of the wedding party?
译文:溜出去巫山云雨 而其他的人都忙的不可开交。
9. Then it turned out they had a last-minute deal to ibiza,
译文:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\bord1\shad0\b0}后来发现他家移民是去了伊维萨岛(肖邦故居 同性恋之都) Then it turned out they had a last -minute deal to Ibiza。
10. Yes. We Brits tend to stay in our family homes.
译文:是的 我们英国人喜欢住在故居。
11. - isn't that Lord Byron's house?
译文:- 那是拜伦的故居么。
12. Panmure House was the home of the world-renowned Scottish economist Adam Smith.
译文:潘摩尔老屋 是世界著名的苏格兰经济学家 亚当·斯密的故居。
13. i went to have a look at the archbishop's residence last year.
14. i can just picture them all right now at Feynman's house, probably discussing Schrodinger and at the same time, not discussing Schrodinger.
译文:我脑子里都有画面了 I can just picture them all right now 他们在费曼故居 at Feynman's house 讨论着薛定谔 probably discussing Schrodinger。
15. Venus originated from Yang Qui of Di City.
译文:太白星源自狄城 故居阳曲。