与他多交流用英语怎么说 与他多交流英语翻译

与他多交流用英语怎么说 与他多交流英语翻译

与他多交流的英语可以这样说:polycross seed,还可以翻译为psychomancy,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到15个与与他多交流相关的译文和例句。


1. polycross seed

与他多交流翻译为polycross seed。

示例:it was a beautiful visualization that he did for Seed magazine.
这是他为 Seed 杂志做的漂亮视觉图。


2. psychomancy

3. to fall aboard

与他多交流翻译为to fall aboard。

示例:Simple choice to fall away Fall away
..simple choice to fall away fall away..


4. multicoitic species

与他多交流翻译为multicoitic species。

示例:Tricia Eddington is a remarkable woman.
I'll try and find some morethreatened species then, shall I?



1. multicoitic species(多交种类(多交种))

2. polycross seed(多交种子)

3. have communication with(与…有联系,和…交流)

4. to fall aboard(与(他船)碰撞)

5. psychomancy(n. 与灵鬼的交流; 巫术)


How to communicate with them Communicate more with them more exchanges with them ( 多与他们交流 )


1. - Knowledge to knowledge, baby.

译文:- 多交流情报, 伙计。

2. A lot of little firefights, ambushes.


3. This is our only chance to make contact with this monster.


4. But he actually talks to, has two-way exchanges with, about four to six people on a regular base, depending on his gender.

译文:但是根据他的性别,他实际上 只与大约4至6人 定期双向交流。

5. i've observed that a lot of the communication between these dolphins is non-verbal.


6. Talk to anybody who was over there in the first six months.


7. And you interact a lot with your neighbors -- people you like, people you might not know.

译文:而且你会跟邻居有很多交流和互动, 还有那些你喜欢的或者你也许不认识的人。

8. Sow a few wild oats. Take things as they come. Have a good time with the girls and so forth.

译文:所以你应该去多交一些朋友 特别要多交女朋友。

9. But his conversations with the patient were exactly what a patient might want: brimming with confidence.

译文:但是他与病患的交流 却完全是病患想听到的那种: 充满自信。

10. Talk to anybody who was over there in the first six months.


11. He doesn't make eye contact.


12. But if you don't talk, you can't engage the other side.

译文:但如果你不谈 你将无法与对方交流。

13. Sendhil Mullainathan: Yeah, we spend a lot of time talking to marketers, and i think 60 percent of it is exactly what you say, there are insights to be gleaned there.

译文:我们和营销员有很多交流 60%的人跟你说的那样 他们有很多观点值得我们什么深思。

14. Now, we've talked about augmenting the patient.


15. We spoke to you last several years ago.


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