招募优秀人才用英语怎么说 招募优秀人才英语翻译

招募优秀人才用英语怎么说 招募优秀人才英语翻译

招募优秀人才用英语翻译为"talented personnel",还网络中常译为"elitists",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到12个与招募优秀人才相关的译文和例句。


1. talented personnel

招募优秀人才翻译为talented personnel。

示例:And i might add a supremely talented coach.
And I might add a supremely talented coach.


2. elitists


示例:Which reminds me of a Turkish proverb about elitists: "He thinks he is a sprig of parsley in the shit of the world. "


3. qmas

4. talented persons

招募优秀人才翻译为talented persons。

示例:Oh, ladies. Oh, you're so talented.
you're so talented.



1. qmas( 优才计划;优秀人才入境计划(Quality Migrant Admission Scheme);优秀人才输入)

2. elitists(n. 优秀人才, 杰出者( elitist的复数形式 ))

3. talented personnel(人才)

4. talented persons(人才)

5. excellence(优秀 )


1. She met outstanding people, above all Marla, a blonde Californian, who single-handedly outfaced the authorities as she strove to save children, until she herself was killed by a car bomb.


2. Mattrick assembled the Kinect team, recruited outside talent like creative director Kudo Tsunoda, and set crucial goals like reducing costs to reach an affordable consumer price point.


3. Just one of my many talents...


4. Then we won't have to lose our best people.

译文:那样我们永远不会失去优秀的人才, 就象莫扎特...。

5. But these paragons are now returning en masse to the mother country (just as America makes life more difficult for immigrants).


6. The first play is we recruit the very best talent our country has to offer, and recruit them for short tours of duty inside government.

译文:第一步,我们招募这个国家 最出色的人才 招募他们短时间为政府效力。

7. And all this TV and internet exposure has led to a great many recruits to our cause.

译文:所有这电视和网上曝光 使得我们团队有了 很多优秀招募人员的机会。

8. This question is posed by a new book, "Give Us Your Best and Brightest" , by Devesh Kapur and John McHale.


9. Second, we pair these incredible people from the tech core with the dedicated civil servants already inside government on the ground creating change.

译文:其次,我们把政府内尽职尽责 在一线创造改变的公仆和科技领域核心的 优秀人才配对。

10. Forget a demo. That don't show what we do in a crowd.

译文:忘了它 它不显示 舞台上的优秀人才。

11. A company cultivating a global elite.


12. You are now men of distinction.

译文:你们是亲密无间的兄弟 你们是优秀人才。

13. The best and brightest of the Mediterranean world came to study at the Mouseion, the world's first academy, and at the great Alexandria library.


14. So rather than exporting our best and brightest out of Africa, we are nurturing and supporting local talent in Africa.

译文:所以,我们不再把 非洲最优秀的人才输出出去, 而是要培养和扶持非洲本土的人才。

15. ... andrecruit the best people from the party...


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