两孩政策用英语怎么说 两孩政策英语翻译

两孩政策用英语怎么说 两孩政策英语翻译

两孩政策的英语是"two-child policy",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到77个与两孩政策相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. two-child policy

两孩政策翻译为two-child policy。

示例:摘要 xx年全面两孩政策在全国范围内实施,标志着中国独生子女政策的终结。
Abstract : Twochild policy initiated in 2016 indicates the end of the onechild policy era in China.



1. double policy( 两手政策)

2. rixa( 链辩孩)

3. tweeners( 小屁孩)

4. sixa( 妗幂孩;湿婆)

5. abihail(亚比孩;亚比亥)


1. i developed two rolls but i don't--

译文:我开发了两个卷,但我鸵鸟政策 -。

2. Take advantage of the government's generosity, playing both ends.

译文:占政付的便宜 大玩两手政策。

3. Between these two policies.


4. But he would waste it anyway, so better to buy for the kid.


5. Father, this is all my fault.

译文:爹 都是孩儿的错。

6. They're government issue. You can put two guns in there and just....

译文:这是部门政策,你可以放两支枪 然后...。

7. You're toast, asswipe. Found it.

译文:你死定了 小屁孩。

8. Foreign policy, domestic policy?

译文:外交政策 国内政策。

9. For me, that agenda is Reaganism on macroeconomic policy, Sweden on welfare policy and cuts across right and left.

译文:对我来说,这个议题是 宏观经济的里根主义政策 瑞典的福利政策 跨越左右两派。

10. Get out of the way, you little shit!

译文:让路 小屁孩。

11. if he could get the kids in the mountain...


12. Come here, you little rug rat.


13. Please believe us, Father.


14. Oh, just pet the bird, you big baby.

译文:赶紧摸 你个大屁孩。

15. There are plenty of mommy and daddies who are in love with you.


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