扶贫工作用英语翻译为"poverty-relief work",还经常被译作poverty-relief work -,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到78个与扶贫工作相关的短语释义和例句。
1. poverty-relief work
扶贫工作翻译为poverty-relief work。
示例:disability,global issues,poverty,prosthetics,storytelling,war,work
disability,global issues,poverty,prosthetics,storytelling,war,work
2. poverty-relief work -
扶贫工作翻译为 poverty-relief work -。
示例:activism,business,culture,global issues,poverty,women,work
activism,business,culture,global issues,poverty,women,work
3. anti-poverty work -
扶贫工作翻译为 anti-poverty work -。
示例:activism,business,culture,global issues,poverty,women,work
activism,business,culture,global issues,poverty,women,work
4. anti-poverty project
扶贫工作翻译为anti-poverty project。
示例:China is the world's greatest anti-poverty program over the last three decades.
在过去xx年里, 中国运行了世界上最成功的 摆脱贫穷项目.
1. fighting poverty(扶贫)
2. poverty alleviation(扶贫)
3. Lojbanist( 扶贫专员)
4. Lojbanists( 扶贫人士)
5. pronasol( 扶贫计划)
development-oriented poverty alleviation ( 扶贫开发工作 )
rstate poverty alleviation and development ( 扶贫开发工作重点县 )
1. Working and training, training and working.
译文:工作 训练 训练 工作。
2. Chris Anderson asked me if i could put the last 25 years of anti-poverty campaigning into 10 minutes for TED.
译文:克里斯·安德森 问我能否将过去xx年来的 扶贫运动浓缩成10分钟的TED演讲。
3. You are Kwok's family's target of assistance
4. Those are the communities of which literature speaks about as living on less than a dollar a day, and they become the targets for poverty eradication programs.
译文:那些社区就是文献中提及的 “每天生活费不足一美元”的地方, 它们也成了扶贫的重点。
5. That's home. That's work, that's home.
译文:工作 家 工作 家。
6. Like shit, cos you did a piss-poor job stitching me up.
译文:狗屎一样,因为你没 撒尿扶贫工作缝合我。
7. Work, work, work, work, work!
译文:工作, 工作, 工作, 工作, 工作。
8. i got a job. i got a job. A good job.
9. But what about your work with the poor?
10. i'm working here. Working!
译文:我在工作呢 工作。
11. Work, and work, and work, and work.
12. And they say, "i want to work in global poverty, but what will it mean about my career?
译文:有人听到这一点也会说,“我也想做扶贫的工作啊 但是我的职业会有保障吗。
13. We decided to do something about it, but we didn't begin with a welfare program or a poverty reduction program.
译文:我们决心改变这一切, 但我们没有实施任何福利政策, 或者扶贫计划。
14. What are you, counsellor from UNiCEF?
译文:你这是干嘛 儿童基金会的扶贫参赞啊。
15. And i'll do nothing but work.