伪郎的英语翻译是"genzaburo",在日常中也可以翻译为"my darling",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到35个与伪郎相关的译文和例句。
1. genzaburo
2. my darling
伪郎翻译为my darling。
示例:* Hold me, my darling * * and say that you'll always be mine *
Hold me, my darling And saythat you'll always be mine
3. yushiro
4. Kenichiro
示例:Japanese negotiator Kenichiro Sasae told reporters that North Korea would have to give ground.
1. my darling(郎)
2. Kenichiro( 县市郎;建市郎;县一郎)
3. yushiro(雄史郎;雄志郎;雄四郎)
4. genzaburo(玄三郎;原三郎;弦三郎)
5. goichiro(吾一郎;吾市郎;刚一郎)
Dumbbbbbbb ( 伪现充野郎 )
1. Do you understand why i went back for you?
译文:螝伪蟿伪位伪尾伪委谓蔚喂蟼 纬喂伪蟿委 纬蠉蚁喂蟽伪 谓伪 蟽蔚 尾蚁蝇。
2. Boy, you're a real comfort.
译文:惟蚁伪委伪 蟺伪蚁畏纬慰蚁喂维 蔚委蟽伪喂.。
3. - Would you please turn around?
译文:-螕蠉蚁谓伪, 蟽蔚 蟺伪蚁伪魏伪位蠋. -螕喂伪蟿委。
4. it's going to be okay, son.
译文:螌位伪 胃伪 蟺维谓蔚 魏伪位维.。
5. Now i see them as a call for us to remember who we once were,
译文:韦蠋蚁伪 蟺喂伪, 魏伪蟿伪位伪尾伪委谓蝇 蠈蟿喂 蔚委谓伪喂 纬喂伪 谓伪 渭伪蟼 ?蟺蔚谓胃?渭委味慰?谓... ...蟺慰喂慰喂 萎渭伪蟽蟿伪谓 魏维蟺慰蟿蔚...。
6. i'm working to get them back.
译文:螤蚁慰蟽蟺伪胃蠋 谓伪 蟿慰 尉伪谓伪尾蚁蠋.。
7. That cryo tube is ancient.
译文:螘委谓伪喂 伪蚁蠂伪委伪.。
8. i incorrectly assumed that you would be truthful in your captain's log.
译文:违蟺苇胃蔚蟽伪 位伪谓胃伪蟽渭苇谓伪 蠈蟿喂 胃伪 萎蟽慰?谓 伪魏蚁喂尾萎蟼 蟽蟿畏谓 魏伪蟿伪纬蚁伪蚃萎.。
9. And you're no gonna like it.
译文:螖蔚谓 胃伪 蟽伪蟼 伪蚁苇蟽慰?谓 蟿伪 谓苇伪.。
10. You had napkins hanging out of your nose.
译文:危蔚 蔚委蠂伪谓 蟺维蚁蔚喂 蟿伪 伪委渭伪蟿伪.。
11. Captain, i wish i had better news.
译文:螠伪魏维蚁喂 谓伪 蔚委蠂伪 魏伪位蠉蟿蔚蚁伪 谓苇伪.。
12. Once we caught him, i synthesized a serum from his superblood.
译文:螌蟿伪谓 蟿慰谓 蟺喂维蟽伪渭蔚, 苇魏伪谓伪 苇谓伪谓 慰蚁蠈 渭蔚 蟿慰 伪委渭伪 蟿慰?.。
13. i have no idea, but they were bowing to it.
译文:螖蔚谓 苇蠂蝇 喂未苇伪, 伪位位维 蟿伪 苇魏伪谓蔚 谓伪 ?蟺伪魏慰蠉谓蔚.。
14. This is exactly what i was hoping to spare you from.
译文:螇胃蔚位伪 谓伪 蟽蔚 伪蟺伪位位维尉蝇 伪蟺蠈 伪?蟿蠈.。
15. it is unlikely that he will come willingly.
译文:螘委谓伪喂 伪蟺委胃伪谓慰 谓伪 蟺伪蚁伪未慰胃蔚委.。