新发行通常被翻译为"new issues -"的意思,还可以翻译为 New Issue,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到54个与新发行相关的译文和例句。
1. new issues -
新发行翻译为 new issues -。
A court has ruled out a relaunch of Mr Nega's papers.
2. New Issue
新发行翻译为 New Issue。
The novel was reissued in paperback.
3. new issue
新发行翻译为new issue。
The new release will be a LTS release, so it will likely be more conservative than other releases and consolidate on the many changes over the past year.
1. gross new issues(新发行毛额)
2. net new issues(新发行净额)
3. Seasoned new issue(成熟新发行)
4. new issue department(新发行部)
5. newissue(新发行的债券)
new issues new issue of stock ( 新发行股票 )
reissue WINTER SONG re-releasing ( 重新发行 )
newissue ( 新发行债券 )
Newly Issued Securities new issue securities new issue ( 新发行证券 )
Latest Issue ( 最新发行 )
new issue ( 新发行的证券 )
new capital issues new capital issue ( 新发行的资本股票 )
initial public offerings Initial Public Offering System ( 新股发行制度 )
1. i'm gonna send these pictures to a new magazine.
译文:我打算把这些照片发给一个 新发行的杂志。
2. Then those companies and individuals that get this money early, they can spend it before the prices of the things they want to buy, have risen to reflect the new money in circulation.
译文:然后是能在早期得到这些钱的公司与个人 他们可以在这些新发行的货币 进入流通推高价格之前。
3. We're gonna ship a new book
4. CD? Hmmmm. . . That's a good idea. The new Jolin CD is perfect. He told me at least 10 times that he likes it.
5. it even persisted after decimalization for those coins which had equivalents and continued to be minted with their values in new pence.
6. The money's held at airport warehouses until the Fed picks it up and redistributes it.
译文:这些钱保存在机场的仓库里 The money's held at airport warehouses 直到美联储的人把它们取走 并重新发行到市场 until the Fed picks it up and redistributes it.。
7. in 2005, director George Lucas said he aimed to start rereleasing the 'Star Wars' movies in 3-D in 2007; the delay underscores some of the complexities at play.
译文:xx年,导演卢卡斯(George Lucas)说,他希望xx年开始重新发行3D版《星球大战》;但后来的推迟显示出了其中的复杂性。
8. The new release will be a LTS release, so it will likely be more conservative than other releases and consolidate on the many changes over the past year.
9. in the west people, might even feel optimistic when they hear that the US is pumping tens of billions newly created dollars into develeping nations to build infrastructure.
译文:在西方 当他们听说美国正在将数百亿新发行的美元 投入到发展中国家以建设其基础设施。
10. So that was in the back of my mind for many years and then, many years later, i came across this, um, re-release of Coming From Reality and inside, the liner notes said,
译文:这件事被我抛诸脑后若干年 很多年过去以后,我看到这个 《从现实来》的重新发行版本, 里面这里写道。
11. Jenny's Album Launching Party
12. The record was finally rereleased and received praise from music critics, DJs and listeners worldwide -- the praise that it should have received in 1979.
译文:这张唱片最终被重新发行, 收到了来自音乐评论家们, DJ们及世界各地的听众的褒扬, 本应该在xx年就应该收到的表扬。
13. You're mentioned in it. - it's been printed, it exists? - Ja, ja.
14. Rock and roll has been revived and has survived by young rock bands and a reissuing and resampling of the old.
15. Our airship is a new invention.