多任务系统用英语怎么说 多任务系统英语翻译

多任务系统用英语怎么说 多任务系统英语翻译

多任务系统的英语是"multitask system -",还可以翻译为  [计] multitasking system,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到27个与多任务系统相关的释义和例句。


1. multitask system -

多任务系统翻译为 multitask system -。

This paper presents an optimal realization model based on the preemption threshold for real-time multitask systems, which has low overheads and higher schedulability.


2.   [计] multitasking system

多任务系统翻译为   [计] multitasking system。

These two mechanisms (segmentation and paging) can be configured to support simple single-program (or single-task) systems, multitasking systems, or multiple-processor systems that used shared memory.


3.   multi-task system

多任务系统翻译为   multi-task system。

Because the research of majority real-time scheduling is limited only to the simple system, and the complex real-time multitask system is researched very little.


4.   system, multi-tasking

多任务系统翻译为   system, multi-tasking。

示例:Mothers are much more likely to be multi-tasking when they are at home, and fathers, when they are at home, are much more likely to be mono-tasking.
母亲在家时, 往往承担多项家务, 而父亲在家时, 同一时间做的事情通常是一件。



1. multiple task(多任务)

2. multitasking(多任务的 )

3. multimission satellite(多任务卫星)

4. multitask function(多任务功能)

5. multitaskable( 多任务)


time multiplexed system ( 时间多任务系统 )

carrier telephone multiplex system ( 载波电话多任务系统 )

direct-current quadruplex ( 直流四路多任务系统 )

RTOS Real-time Operation System Real Time multi-tasking Operation System real-time multitask operat( 实时多任务操作系统 )

Remote Multi-Mission Vehicle ( 遥控多任务系统 )

nonsynchronous multiplex system ( 异步多任务系统 )

Multitasking operating system widget ( 多任务操作系统 )

multitasking operating system ( 多任务作业系统 )


1. But we all signed up for more without any regrets.

译文:但我们四个又签下更多任务 无怨无悔,不求回报。

2. We can make multitasking work for us, unleashing our natural creativity.

译文:我们可以让多任务工作帮主我们, 释放我们的自然创造力。

3. But how efficient is, really, this multitasking?


4. But how efficient is, really, this multitasking?


5. i've been on 100 jobs, none of which altered the war.

译文:我做了很多任务 但形势还是没有改观。

6. i've been called a lot of things, Colonel never a solution.


7. You all know about multitasking. You all have been faulty of multitasking when you're driving and you pick up your cellphone. Bad idea. Very bad idea.

译文:你们都知道"多任务处理"(multitasking)。一边开车 一边拿起手机的多任务处理不是明智之举。非常糟糕。

8. (Laughter) So, that's the case for slow-motion multitasking.

译文:(笑声) 所以 慢动作多任务就是这样。

9. Seems that the secret to creativity is multitasking in slow motion.

译文:看来,创造力的秘诀是多任务处理, 慢动作地进行。

10. But our multitasking reality is pretty different, and full of tons of information.

译文:但是,我们多任务处理的实质却大有不同, (它)充满了大量的信息。

11. We served together on more than a few occasions.


12. The numbers are against us.


13. So, i would like to urge you to embrace the art of slow-motion multitasking.

译文:所以,我想力劝大家接受 慢动作多任务工作。

14. This is my multitasking activity result.


15. And he certainly takes on. A great many of the captain's duties.


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