雷蛰用英语怎么说 雷蛰的英语翻译

雷蛰用英语怎么说 雷蛰的英语翻译

雷蛰用英语说"Terebellidae",还可以翻译为metal chelating,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到70个与雷蛰相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Terebellidae

2. metal chelating

雷蛰翻译为metal chelating。

示例:But they also have a chelating agent in them.


3. pseudohibernation

4. metachealateing dye

雷蛰翻译为metachealateing dye。

示例:Dame Fashion says, "Dye it"
时尚杂志说 去染色吧



1. summer rest(夏蛰)

2. metal chelating(金属蛰合)

3. pseudohibernation(假冬蛰)

4. Terebellidae( 蛰龙介科;蛰龙介虫科)

5. metachealateing dye(金属蛰合染料)


1. The woman’s son has been stung by a scorpion.


2. Look at you with your pouty bee-stung lips.


3. You got bitten by the bugs.


4. Yeah, a badass guy like you, it's just like a bee sting.


5. Sounds like a good way of getting stung to me.


6. Go back! Go back! Go back!

译文:格雷 格雷 格雷...。

7. if you don't move, he won't sting you. Freeze.

译文:如果你不动,它就不会蛰人 不许动。

8. Toad that under cold stone, days and nights has 31.

译文:蛤蟆蛰眠寒石底 xx日夜相继。

9. The wasp stings could kill him.

译文:如果被黄蜂蛰伤 他会送命的。

10. Oh, God, something just stung me.

译文:哦 天啊 什么东西蛰了我一下。

11. i don't want to tangle with a bunch of wasps.

译文:- 我可不想被一群黄蜂蛰。

12. i'd take a jellyfish in the face for that man.

译文:为了他,我宁可被水母 蛰在脸上。

13. That's a hell of a good deal, son.

译文:逍? 蛰奚 迩漆? 砬 菔ì。

14. When Orion was killed by the sting of a scorpion,

译文:俄里翁被蝎子蛰死后 When Orion was killed by the sting of a scorpion。

15. When the dog bites When the bee stings


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