计入的英语为" charge against",在日常中也可以翻译为"reckon in",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到61个与计入相关的译文和例句。
1. charge against
计入翻译为 charge against。
Students gain college credits which count towards their degree.
2. reckon in
计入翻译为reckon in。
Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results.
3. number
That can be built into the price of the bike.
4. reckon in
计入翻译为 reckon in。
示例:No, i reckon, i reckon not, Miss Pendrake.
1. unlogged( 对于不计入日志;对于不计入日记)
2. unmeasured loss(未测定[计入]损失)
3. include in(把…包括在内;把…计入)
4. unaccounted loss(它损失,未计入损失)
5. uncredited service(未计入服务期间)
Scheduled Receipt ( 预计入库量 )
estimated income ( 估计入息 )
start with ( 设计入手 )
Interest charged to cost ( 计入成本利息 会计 )
design-in ( 设计入选 )
Beginning Game Level Design ( 游戏关卡设计入门 )
crediting period ( 计入期 )
1. in addition, appropriate New York City and State sales taxes will be added to your bill, unless you're exempt by law.
译文:此外 相应纽约市销售税和州税 也会计入您的账单 除非您免税。
2. And now, ladies and gentlemen, please join with me in welcoming and honoring the man who five months ago brought back from Antarctica the first documented Mercury meteorite,
译文:女士们, 先生们, 请和我一起 有请这位5个月前从南极带回 第一块计入史册的水星陨石的。
3. including gst, you're looking at $2,656.50.
译文:计入税 正在寻找... $ 2.656. 50。
4. $3,622 has been credited to your Nola bank account.
译文:3622美元已计入 您的诺拉银行账户。
5. Now that expense can be huge, but if the town can mobilize X amount of volunteers for Y hours, the dollar value of that labor used goes toward the town's contribution.
译文:这笔支出数额巨大 但如果可以发动X个志愿者服务Y个小时 所创造的美元价值... ...会直接计入城镇开支之中。
6. Factor that into the plane's forward momentum as it's coming down and we're left with this area right here.
译文:计入飞机坠落时的前冲力 我们要搜查的是这片区域。
7. Still at one vote hall. Still at one vote hall.
译文:Jenn 不计入。
8. Does not count. [laughter] [laughter] jenn. Jenn.
译文:Jenn 不计入。
9. Results appear when there is defective methodology, important data is inadvertently included or improper controls are in place.
译文:由于有缺陷的方法 以及重要数据的无意计入... 抑或不当控制使得结果产生。
10. Now that expense can be huge, but if the town can mobilize X amount of volunteers for Y hours, the dollar value of that labor used goes toward the town's contribution.
译文:这笔支出数额巨大 但如果可以发动X个志愿者服务Y个小时 所创造的美元价值... ...会直接计入城镇开支之中。
11. And we could put it through our books as, er, training.
译文:我们可以把它计入我们的账目 And we could put it through our books training.。
12. Not counting mortars, machine guns, rifles... pistols, telescopes, belt buckles, Gi socks.
13. Your best fish of each day will count in your total points.
14. You have to enter that into the equation.
15. While on most nutrition labels, they are all lumped into one total carb count, the ratio of the sugar and fiber subgroups to the whole amount affect how the body and brain respond.
译文:尽管在大多数营养成分表中 它们都计入在碳水化合物的含量中 糖类和纤维素各自在总量中所占的比例 会影响我们身体和大脑的反应。