XUV是什么意思 XUV的读音、翻译、用法

XUV是什么意思 XUV的读音、翻译、用法



1. Our company just launched a new line of XUV vehicles. (我们公司刚推出一款全新的XUV车型。)

2. The XUV meter is used to measure ultraviolet radiation. (XUV仪表用于测量紫外辐射。)

3. XUV light has a shorter wavelength than visible light. (XUV光比可见光波长更短。)

4. The XUV camera captured images of the sun's corona. (XUV相机拍摄了太阳的日冕图像。)

5. The XUV laser can be used for precision cutting. (XUV激光可用于精密切割。)

6. The XUV coating provides high resistance to corrosion. (XUV涂层具有高耐腐蚀性。)

7. XUV radiation can cause damage to DNA. (XUV辐射可以损坏DNA。)

8. The XUV filter blocks harmful rays while allowing visible light to pass through. (XUV过滤器可以阻挡有害射线,同时允许可见光通过。)

9. XUV spectroscopy is used to study the properties of matter at the atomic level. (XUV光谱学用于研究物质在原子水平上的性质。)

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