'Agrostis capillaris'是拉丁语,中文翻译为细叶剪股颖。这是一种常见的禾本科植物,生长在草地、荒地、道路和土地上,广泛分布于欧洲、北非和西亚等地区。
1. Agrostis capillaris is a common grass species in Europe. (细叶剪股颖是欧洲常见的草种。)
2. The growth of Agrostis capillaris is greatly influenced by environmental factors. (环境因素极大地影响了细叶剪股颖的生长。)
3. Agrostis capillaris is often used for turf establishment. (细叶剪股颖常用于草坪建设。)
4. In the wild, Agrostis capillaris can be found in meadows and pastures. (在野外,细叶剪股颖可以在草地和牧场中找到。)
5. Agrostis capillaris is a popular grass species for golf courses. (细叶剪股颖是高尔夫球场常见的草种。)
6. The seeds of Agrostis capillaris are small and light. (细叶剪股颖的种子小而轻。)
7. The dense root systems of Agrostis capillaris help prevent soil erosion. (细叶剪股颖的密集根系有助于防止土壤侵蚀。)
8. Agrostis capillaris is known for its fine texture and uniform appearance. (细叶剪股颖因其细腻的纹理和均匀的外观而闻名。)
9. The high tolerance to drought and low fertility make Agrostis capillaris a desirable grass species for landscaping. (细叶剪股颖对干旱和低肥力的高耐受性使其成为人们喜爱的造景草种。)