lantana是什么意思 lantana的读音、翻译、用法

lantana是什么意思 lantana的读音、翻译、用法




1. Lantana flowers attract butterflies.(马鞭草的花可以吸引蝴蝶。)

2. The lantana plant is known for its vibrant colors.(马鞭草植物因其鲜艳的颜色而闻名。)

3. Lantana leaves can be used to make tea.(马鞭草的叶子可以用来泡茶。)

4. The scent of lantana is sweet and pleasant.(马鞭草的香气甜美宜人。)

5. Lantana is easy to care for and grows quickly.(马鞭草易于护理,生长迅速。)

6. The lantana bush needs plenty of sunlight to thrive.(马鞭草灌木需要充足的阳光才能茁壮成长。)

7. Lantana is often used in landscaping to add color to a garden.(马鞭草常用于园林景观中,为花园增添色彩。)

8. The lantana plant is native to tropical regions.(马鞭草植物原产于热带地区。)

9. In traditional medicine, lantana is used to treat skin infections.(在传统医学中,马鞭草被用来治疗皮肤感染。)

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