1. 'Ragnarok Online'是韩国词汇,中文翻译为“末日决战在线”。
2. 'Ragnarok Online'是一款由韩国游戏公司Gravity制作的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏。
3. 翻译:我最近一直在玩'Ragnarok Online',很喜欢这个游戏的画面和音乐。
中文翻译:I've been playing 'Ragnarok Online' a lot lately and really enjoy the graphics and music.
4. 翻译:'Ragnarok Online'的游戏剧情非常丰富,玩家可以有很多自由发挥的空间。
中文翻译:The storyline of 'Ragnarok Online' is very rich, and players have a lot of room for creativity.
5. 翻译:在'Ragnarok Online'中,玩家可以选择自己喜欢的职业,从而发挥出自己最大的潜力。
中文翻译:In 'Ragnarok Online', players can choose the professions they like and unleash their fullest potential.
6. 翻译:我每天都要花费几个小时玩'Ragnarok Online',这个游戏真的让我上瘾了。
中文翻译:I spend several hours playing 'Ragnarok Online' every day, this game really got me addicted.
7. 翻译:我和我的朋友组队玩'Ragnarok Online',真的很有趣。
中文翻译:It's really fun to play 'Ragnarok Online' with my friends as a team.
8. 翻译:'Ragnarok Online'的任务很多,玩家需要耐心地完成每一个任务才能前进。
中文翻译:There are a lot of quests in 'Ragnarok Online', and players need patience to complete each one in order to progress.
9. 翻译:我已经玩'Ragnarok Online'好几年了,这个游戏一直都有新的内容和挑战。
中文翻译:I've been playing 'Ragnarok Online' for several years now, and the game always has new content and challenges.