Agropyron desertorum是什么意思 Agropyron desertorum的读音、翻译、用法

Agropyron desertorum是什么意思 Agropyron desertorum的读音、翻译、用法

'Agropyron desertorum'是拉丁语,中文翻译为沙漠冰草。它是一种生长在干燥地区的植物,常见于荒漠、沙丘和沙地等地方。

以下是含有“Agropyron desertorum”的9个例句,使用的语言为英语:

1. Agropyron desertorum is a common plant in the desert regions of North America. (沙漠冰草是北美沙漠地区常见的植物。)

2. The leaves of Agropyron desertorum are long and narrow. (沙漠冰草的叶子又长又窄。)

3. Agropyron desertorum can survive in extreme temperatures and drought. (沙漠冰草能在极端温度和干旱环境中生存。)

4. Agropyron desertorum is often used for erosion control in desert landscapes. (沙漠冰草常被用于沙漠景观中的防护性种植。)

5. The seeds of Agropyron desertorum are dispersed by the wind. (沙漠冰草的种子会被风吹散。)

6. Agropyron desertorum is a food source for many desert animals. (沙漠冰草是许多沙漠动物的食物来源。)

7. The roots of Agropyron desertorum can reach deep into the soil to access water. (沙漠冰草的根能深入土壤中,以获取水分。)

8. Agropyron desertorum has been traditionally used by some Native American tribes for medicinal purposes. (一些美洲原住民部落传统上会使用沙漠冰草作为药用植物。)

9. The scientific name for Agropyron desertorum was recently changed to Elymus lanceolatus. (沙漠冰草的学名最近被更改为狭叶披碱草。)

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