Per Mertesacker是什么意思 Per Mertesacker的读音、翻译、用法

Per Mertesacker是什么意思 Per Mertesacker的读音、翻译、用法

Per Mertesacker是德国的词语,指的是一位德国足球运动员,职业生涯中曾效力于汉诺威96和阿森纳等多支球队。他在场上司职中后卫,身高1米98,被誉为“巨人”。


1. Per Mertesacker在场上的高大身材是他的优势之一。(德语)

2. Per Mertesacker is known as a towering defender on the pitch. (英语)

3. Per Mertesacker是德国足球历史上的一位传奇球员。(德语)

4. Per Mertesacker is a legendary player in the history of German football. (英语)

5. 阿森纳曾经的队长Per Mertesacker是球队的灵魂人物。(中文)

6. Former Arsenal captain Per Mertesacker was the soul of the team. (英语)

7. Per Mertesacker在xx年世界杯上表现出色,帮助德国队走到了半决赛。(德语)

8. Per Mertesacker performed well in the 2006 World Cup and helped the German team reach the semifinals. (英语)

9. Per Mertesacker在场上的指挥和组织能力让他成为了德国足球的代表之一。(德语)

10. Per Mertesacker's commanding and organizational abilities on the pitch have made him one of the representatives of German football. (英语)

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