1. 'dryopteris'是拉丁语,表示一类蕨类植物的名称。
2. 翻译成中文是“鳞毛蕨”。
3. 鳞毛蕨是一类常见的蕨类植物,具有多种形态和花序,分布于世界各地。
4. 例句:
(1) Dryopteris filix-mas grows in moist woods and damp places.(鳞毛蕨生长在潮湿的树林和湿地上。)
(2) The fronds of Dryopteris cristata are finely divided and delicate.(冠蕨的叶子分化精细、柔软。)
(3) Dryopteris carthusiana is commonly known as the spinulose wood fern.(棘蕨被称为刺鳞鳞毛蕨。)
(4) Dryopteris marginalis has a vase-shaped habit and prefers moist shade.(边缘蕨生长呈瓶状习性,喜欢湿润阴处。)
(5) The autumn colors of Dryopteris erythrosora are striking, with shades of orange and red.(红龙鳞毛蕨的秋季颜色相当夺目,呈现出橙色和红色调。)
(6) Dryopteris dilatata is a common fern species in Europe and Asia.(扩叶蕨是欧亚常见的蕨类植物。)
(7) The sword-shaped fronds of Dryopteris ludoviciana are distinctive and striking.(路易斯安那鳞毛蕨的剑形叶子很有特点,非常引人注目。)
(8) Dryopteris intermedia is a hybrid fern species with intermediate characteristics between its parent species.(中间蕨是一种杂交蕨类植物,具有其亲本物种之间的中间特征。)
(9) The fertile fronds of Dryopteris affinis are taller and narrower than the sterile ones.(熏伤鳞毛蕨的育种叶子比不育叶子高而窄。)