Toxocara vitulorum是什么意思 Toxocara vitulorum的读音、翻译、用法

Toxocara vitulorum是什么意思 Toxocara vitulorum的读音、翻译、用法

'Toxocara vitulorum'是拉丁语,属于生物学的术语。


以下是9个含有'Toxocara vitulorum'的例句:

1. "Toxocara vitulorum infects young calves, causing diarrhea, anemia, and poor growth." (Toxocara vitulorum会感染年幼的小牛,导致腹泻、贫血和生长不良。)

2. "The eggs of Toxocara vitulorum can survive for years in soil and infect new calves grazing in contaminated pastures." (Toxocara vitulorum的卵子能在土壤中存活多年,感染在受污染的草地上觅食的新生小牛。)

3. "Control measures for Toxocara vitulorum include deworming of calves and cleaning of pastures." (对Toxocara vitulorum的控制措施包括给小牛驱虫和清洗草地。)

4. "Toxocara vitulorum is one of the most common gastrointestinal parasites of young cattle." (Toxocara vitulorum是年幼牛中最常见的肠道寄生虫之一。)

5. "Infections of Toxocara vitulorum can lead to significant economic losses in the cattle industry." (Toxocara vitulorum感染可以在牛业中造成显著的经济损失。)

6. "Eggs of Toxocara vitulorum can be detected in fecal samples using a microscope." (可以用显微镜检测粪便样品中是否存在Toxocara vitulorum的卵子。)

7. "The life cycle of Toxocara vitulorum involves ingestion of infective eggs by young calves, followed by migration and development of the larvae in the host's body." (Toxocara vitulorum的生命周期包括年幼小牛摄入感染性卵子,随后幼虫在宿主体内迁移和发育。)

8. "Toxocara vitulorum can cause a range of clinical signs in infected cattle, including weight loss, anorexia, and lethargy." (Toxocara vitulorum能引起感染牛的一系列临床症状,包括体重下降、厌食和昏睡。)

9. "Effective control of Toxocara vitulorum requires a coordinated approach involving proper management practices, such as pasture rotation and sanitation, and use of appropriate anthelmintic drugs." (有效控制Toxocara vitulorum需要协调的方法,包括适当的管理实践,如草地轮作和卫生设施,以及使用适当的驱虫药物。)

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