forgeable是什么意思 forgeable的读音、翻译、用法

forgeable是什么意思 forgeable的读音、翻译、用法





1. This document is forgeable if anyone can obtain access to the right materials and equipment.(如果有人可以获得正确的材料和设备,这个文件就可以被伪造。)

2. These coins are all forgeable, so be careful when you accept money from people you don't know.(这些硬币都是可伪造的,所以当你从不认识的人手里接受钱的时候要小心。)

3. The signature on this check is forgeable, so we need to verify its authenticity before we deposit it.(这张支票上的签名是可以伪造的,所以在我们兑现之前需要验证其真实性。)

4. The passport is forgeable, and it is difficult to distinguish it from the real one without advanced technology.(护照是可以伪造的,没有先进技术很难区分真伪。)

5. This stamp is forgeable, and many collectors have been fooled into buying counterfeit ones.(这枚邮票是可以伪造的,许多收藏家被骗买了假货。)

6. The company has implemented several security measures to prevent the production of forgeable IDs.(公司已经实施了几项安全措施,以防止制造可伪造的身份证。)

7. The criminal used a forgeable key to gain access to the building.(罪犯使用了可伪造的钥匙进入了建筑。)

8. The artist's signature is forgeable, and there are many counterfeit paintings on the market.(艺术家的签名是可以伪造的,市场上有很多假冒的画作。)

9. The suspect was found in possession of a forgeable driver's license, and he was charged with fraud.(嫌疑人被发现持有一张可伪造的驾驶执照,他被指控诈骗。)

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