1. 'antiproton'是英语词语。
2. 中文翻译为“反质子”。
3. “反质子”是指具有负电荷的质量与质子相等、自旋相反的粒子,是粒子物理学中的重要研究对象之一。
4. 例句:
1. Scientists at CERN have succeeded in trapping and cooling antiprotons for the first time.(“欧洲核子研究中心的科学家们首次成功地捕获并冷却了反质子。”)
2. The annihilation of antiprotons with protons is used to produce high-energy particles.(“利用反质子和质子的湮灭来产生高能粒子。”)
3. The antiproton is the antiparticle of the proton.(“反质子是质子的反粒子。”)
4. The production of antiprotons can be achieved by colliding high-energy protons with a metal target.(“通过将高能质子与金属靶相撞,可以产生反质子。”)
5. Antiprotons can be stored in electromagnetic traps for long periods of time.(“反质子可以在电磁陷阱中长时间存储。”)
6. Antiprotons are produced naturally in cosmic rays.(“反质子在宇宙射线中自然产生。”)
7. The discovery of the antiproton was made by physicist Owen Chamberlain and his colleagues in 1955.(“物理学家欧文·钱伯林和他的同事在xx年发现了反质子。”)
8. The energy released in the annihilation of an antiproton with a proton is equivalent to the mass of the two particles.(“反质子与质子相撞湮灭所释放的能量等于两粒子质量总和。”)
9. Research on antiprotons has led to important discoveries in the field of particle physics.(“对反质子的研究在粒子物理学领域取得了重要发现。”)