Pete Sampras是什么意思 Pete Sampras的读音、翻译、用法

Pete Sampras是什么意思 Pete Sampras的读音、翻译、用法

'Pete Sampras'是英语,中文翻译为“皮特·萨姆普拉斯”。他是一位美国职业网球选手,被认为是历史上最伟大的网球选手之一。他在职业生涯中赢得了14个大满贯单打冠军,持有男子网球选手单打最多的大满贯冠军纪录,以及70个职业赛事冠军。

以下是9个含有'Pete Sampras'的例句:

1. Pete Sampras dominated men's tennis during the late 90s.(皮特·萨姆普拉斯在xx年代末主宰了男子网球。)

2. On his way to win the 2000 US Open, Pete Sampras defeated Andre Agassi in the quarterfinals.(在赢得xx年美国公开赛的过程中,皮特·萨姆普拉斯在四分之一决赛中击败了安德烈·阿加西。)

3. Pete Sampras retired from professional tennis in 2002.(皮特·萨姆普拉斯于xx年从职业网球运动中退役。)

4. The Pete Sampras Tennis Academy is located in California.(皮特·萨姆普拉斯网球学院位于加利福尼亚州。)

5. A lot of young players try to emulate Pete Sampras' playing style.(许多年轻球员试图模仿皮特·萨姆普拉斯的打法。)

6. Pete Sampras and Roger Federer played against each other only once, in 2001.(皮特·萨姆普拉斯和罗杰·费德勒只在xx年比赛过一次。)

7. Pete Sampras was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 2007.(皮特·萨姆普拉斯于xx年被加入国际网球名人堂。)

8. Many consider the 1995 US Open final between Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi as one of the greatest matches in tennis history.(许多人认为xx年美国公开赛决赛中的皮特·萨姆普拉斯和安德烈·阿加西是网球历史上最伟大的比赛之一。)

9. Despite his success, Pete Sampras was known for his humble demeanor and sportsmanship on and off the court.(尽管取得了成功,皮特·萨姆普拉斯在场内场外都以他的谦逊品质和运动精神著称。)

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