'Hellula undalis'是拉丁语,意为“小菜蛾”。它是一种对许多蔬菜和植物都有害的一种昆虫。
1. Hellula undalis is a serious pest of canola crops. - Hellula undalis是油菜作物的严重害虫。
2. The larvae of Hellula undalis can cause extensive damage to the leaves of mustard plants. - Hellula undalis的幼虫可以对芥末植物的叶子造成广泛的破坏。
3. Farmers use insecticides to control the population of Hellula undalis in their fields. - 农民使用杀虫剂来控制他们田地中的Hellula undalis数量。
4. The spread of Hellula undalis is a major concern for vegetable growers. - Hellula undalis的传播是蔬菜种植者的主要关注点。
5. Hellula undalis has been found in several states across the country. - Hellula undalis在全国多个州都被发现。
6. Researchers are studying ways to control the population of Hellula undalis without using harmful chemicals. - 研究人员正在研究不使用有害化学物质控制Hellula undalis种群的方法。
7. Hellula undalis can quickly destroy entire crops if left unchecked. - 如果不加控制,Hellula undalis可以迅速摧毁整个作物。
8. The damage caused by Hellula undalis can reduce crop yields and result in financial losses for farmers. - Hellula undalis造成的损失可以降低作物产量,对农民造成经济损失。
9. The presence of Hellula undalis in a field may require immediate action to prevent further damage. - 田地中出现Hellula undalis可能需要立即采取行动以防止进一步的损失。