interview是什么意思 interview的读音、翻译、用法

interview是什么意思 interview的读音、翻译、用法

'interview'是英语单词,可以翻译为“面试、采访”。在职场和招聘场合中常用到这个词语,通常指面试或采访某个人或一组人。常见用法有:job interview(求职面试)、press interview(新闻采访)、interviewee(被面试者)、interviewer(面试官)等。


1. I have an interview for a job at a tech company tomorrow.(明天我要去科技公司参加求职面试。)

2. The reporter interviewed the mayor about the city's new transportation plan.(记者采访市长关于新的交通规划。)

3. She was nervous during the interview, but she answered all the questions well.(她在面试时很紧张,但是回答了所有问题。)

4. Our school requires an interview for admission to the program.(我们学校在入学申请中要求面试。)

5. The CEO's interview with the Wall Street Journal was published yesterday.(CEO与华尔街日报的采访昨天刊登了。)

6. The candidate prepared extensively for the interview and it paid off - he got the job.(求职者为面试做足了准备,最终得到了工作。)

7. The police want to interview the suspect in connection with the robbery.(警方想与嫌疑人面谈有关抢劫案的事宜。)

8. The journalist scored an exclusive interview with the famous actor.(记者成功采访了著名演员,得到了独家消息。)

9. The company HR department conducts interviews to evaluate potential candidates.(公司人力资源部进行面试以评估潜在求职者。)

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