Schleichera是什么意思 Schleichera的读音、翻译、用法

Schleichera是什么意思 Schleichera的读音、翻译、用法




1. Schleichera oleosa is a hardwood species native to Asia. (油树是亚洲的一种硬木物种。)

2. The oil extracted from Schleichera seeds is used in cooking and cosmetics. (从油树种子中提取的油被用于烹饪和化妆品。)

3. Schleichera trees prefer well-drained soil and full sunlight. (油树喜欢排水良好、阳光充足的土壤。)

4. The bark of Schleichera trees has been used in traditional medicine for its antibacterial properties. (油树的树皮因其抗菌作用而被用于传统草药中。)

5. The flowers of Schleichera trees are pollinated by bees and butterflies. (油树的花由蜜蜂和蝴蝶传粉。)

6. Schleichera oil is rich in fatty acids and has been shown to have health benefits. (油树油富含脂肪酸,具有保健作用。)

7. Schleichera trees can grow up to 10 meters tall and have a broad canopy. (油树可以长到10米高,树冠宽广。)

8. The seeds of Schleichera trees are used to make a soap substitute in some cultures. (在一些文化中,油树的种子被用来制作代替肥皂的物质。)

9. Schleichera trees are an important source of income for many rural communities in Asia. (油树是亚洲许多农村社区的重要收入来源。)

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