1. I love watching videos in PiP mode while using other apps on my phone.(我喜欢在手机上使用PiP模式观看视频,同时使用其他应用程序。)
2. The new TV supports PiP functionality, so you can watch two channels at once.(新电视支持PiP功能,因此您可以同时观看两个频道。)
3. PiP is a great feature for multitasking, especially when it comes to video playback.(PiP功能对于多任务处理来说是一个很棒的特性,尤其是在视频播放方面。)
4. The PiP function on my computer allows me to watch a training video while working on a project.(我电脑上的PiP功能允许我在工作时观看培训视频。)
5. Some video conferencing apps now offer PiP mode, which is great for keeping an eye on your slides while speaking to your audience.(一些视频会议应用程序现在提供PiP模式,这对于在演讲时观察幻灯片非常有帮助。)
6. The PiP feature is a lifesaver for sports fans who don't want to miss any action while browsing the web.(PiP功能对于不想错过任何比赛画面的体育迷来说是救命稻草。)
7. I always use PiP mode when I'm watching a video tutorial and following along with the instructions.(当我在观看视频教程并遵循说明时,我总是使用PiP模式。)
8. The PiP feature on my tablet makes it easy to watch a video while chatting with friends at the same time.(我平板电脑上的PiP功能使得在同时聊天和观看视频变得非常容易。)
9. PiP is a feature that is becoming increasingly popular on streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu.(PiP功能在像Netflix和Hulu这样的流媒体平台上越来越受欢迎。)