Reinhardtius是什么意思 Reinhardtius的读音、翻译、用法

Reinhardtius是什么意思 Reinhardtius的读音、翻译、用法

'Reinhardtius'是拉丁词汇,表示一种深海鱼类,属于蓝鳍鱼科。这种鱼体型较小,一般只有20-30厘米长,分布在北极和南极的深海海域。在英文中,这种鱼被称为"spiny icefish"。


1. 他们在北极海域发现了一种新种的'Reinhardtius'鱼类。(英文:They discovered a new species of 'Reinhardtius' fish in the Arctic waters.)

2. 'Reinhardtius'鱼类通常生活在水温较低的深海海域。(英文:'Reinhardtius' fish typically inhabit deep sea waters with lower temperatures.)

3. 这种深海鱼类'Reinhardtius'的身上长满了刺。(英文:The deep sea fish 'Reinhardtius' is covered in spines.)

4. 'Reinhardtius'鱼类的食谱主要包括浮游生物。(英文:The diet of 'Reinhardtius' fish mainly consists of plankton.)

5. 这种深海鱼'Reinhardtius'具有较高的抗冻能力,可以在极低的温度下生存。(英文:The deep sea fish 'Reinhardtius' has a high level of anti-freezing ability and can survive in extremely low temperatures.)

6. 'Reinhardtius'鱼肉富含蛋白质和Omega-3脂肪酸,对于保持心脏健康有益。(英文:'Reinhardtius' fish is rich in protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for maintaining heart health.)

7. 这种深海鱼类'Reinhardtius'比较容易受到过度捕捞的威胁。(英文:The deep sea fish 'Reinhardtius' is vulnerable to overfishing.)

8. 目前,'Reinhardtius'鱼类的保护措施已被纳入国际保护海洋生物的计划。(英文:Currently, protection measures for 'Reinhardtius' fish have been included in international plans to protect marine species.)

9. 'Reinhardtius'鱼在南极的生态系统中扮演着重要的角色,对于保持生态平衡十分关键。(英文:'Reinhardtius' fish play an important role in the ecosystem of the Southern Ocean and are crucial for maintaining ecological balance.)

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